Page 22 of Carnal

Every move I take up the steps feels like another step toward my death. I remind myself that whatever happens, I'll be fine. All I feel reminds me of a schoolgirl waiting to see the principal after getting into trouble.

The bodyguard nods. "Ms. dela Cruz. How've you been?"

"Good. Thank you." I force a smile and hold up my chin, trying to feign confidence.

He opens the door, and I enter the impressive foyer. The ornate decor, rich golds, and darker reds always felt warm and welcoming. The grand staircase I always admired. Right now, everything feels intimidating.

Angelo steps out of his office. He smiles and pulls me into him, hugging me and kissing my cheek. "Pina, it's good to see you."

He must not know.

Over the years, Angelo's been like a father to me. Every year on my birthday, he sends me a six-figure check with a nice note. This past year was especially heartfelt. He wrote:


Happy birthday!

Thank you for all you do for our family. I hope you know that you're as much a Marino as my sons or daughter. Go buy something nice for yourself.

All my love,


I've never toldanyone about the note or check. I suspect Angelo knows I haven't, but we've never discussed it. But regardless of how good he is to me, I've only had the utmost respect for him.

I choke up and swallow my emotions, imagining how disappointed he'll be when he finds out what I've done. I hug him tight and manage to reply, "It's good to see you, too."

He retreats. "What brings you here on a Saturday morning?"

"I need to speak with Pina," Dante's voice booms.

I freeze, my pulse pounding so hard in my neck that I wonder if it's visible. I take a deep breath, squaring my shoulders.

"Anything I should be aware of?" Angelo asks in a concerned voice.

"I'll fill you in later, Papà," Dante answers.

My insides shake harder.

Angelo glances between us then nods. "Okay. I'm running late to my workout. Arianna's in town, and even though she's pregnant, she's not letting me slack."

Even in my predicament, I can't help but smile. Arianna worries a lot about his health since their mamma died of a heart attack. She made Angelo revamp his diet and start working out. I say, "Tell her I said hi."

"I will." Angelo pats me on the arm and walks away.

"Pina. Let's talk," Dante orders.

I briefly close my eyes then put on the most confident expression I can muster. I spin, and he motions for me to go into the sitting room.

I obey, crossing the doorway, then freeze.

All the Marino brothers are in the room. They all have a slight scowl. Tristano locks eyes with me, and I wince inside. His expression screams he's pissed, but it matches the rest of the Marinos.

Did he tell them?

"Pina, have a seat," Dante instructs.

The only seat free is the armchair across from Tristano. I sit, feeling like I'm on trial and waiting for a verdict.