Page 165 of Carnal

Gunshots fill the air from the restaurant, along with men and women shouting. My brothers fire from behind the safety of the door.

Luca and the dishwasher lunge at Biagio. They restrain him, and Luca tugs a bag over his head.

Pina's shaking in the corner. Confusion and fear fill her expression. I slide my arm around her waist, and she cowers in the corner. Knowing she's scared of me makes my heart hurt, but there's no time to convince her to come with me. I pick her up, and she tries to fight, but it's apparent she's weak.

Gunfire continues on the other side of the door. Massimo, Gianni, and Luca push Biagio outside and into an SUV. Dante and I get into the other one with Pina. Our vehicles peel out of the alley.

Pina scoots as close to the door as possible.

I hold my hands in the air. "It's okay, baby girl. We're taking you home."

Her eyes dart between Dante and me. Her lips tremble hard, and her voice is barely audible when she speaks. "Home?"

"Yeah." I slide closer to her, but she cringes like a wounded animal. I glance at Dante.

He cautiously asks, "Pina, do you remember us? I'm Dante. That's Tristano."

Her eyes burn with golden fire. Any color left on her face disappears. Her entire body convulses, and she stammers, "Tristano?"

Relief fills me. She must remember me. I reply, "Yes. It's me."

A new panic overtakes her expression. She reaches for the door handle and tries to open it.

"Baby girl, what are you doing?" I cry out, grabbing her hand.

She tries to fight me. Her limbs flail in the air, and her fists slam into my chest.

"Pina! Stop!" I order.

She doesn't listen, continuing to hit me.

I wrap my arms and legs around her so she can't try to escape.

She shrieks, "Let me go!"

"Calm down! I'm not going to hurt you," I reiterate.

It doesn't convince her. She screams louder, "Let me go!"

I don't let go and look to Dante for what to do. He has a helpless look on his face.

The entire ride home, she tries to escape my grip. It takes all my strength to hold her at times. It's as if she gets a second wind and attempts to fight; then she'll be worn out within seconds.

Her tears soak my shirt. Makeup runs down her cheeks. We pull up to the gate, and she freaks out again.

"Don't take me there!" she cries.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask, unsure why. There's no way I'm not taking her home. I can protect her there better than anywhere else.

She sobs harder as we drive through the gate. The closer we get to the mansion, the more intense her convulsions become.

We pull up to the front entrance. Papà's main guard opens the door, and she belts out another shrilling noise then attempts to kick him.

Papà steps out of the house. It sets Pina off further.

I've never felt so incompetent. I don't know what to do to calm her.

Arianna and Bridget come outside.