I groan. "Nicoletta isn't even a year old."
"So? I don't want her cursing like a sailor out of the gate."
I snort. "And how is Killian conforming to this?"
Her lips twitch. "You know Killian. He's stepping up to the challenge."
"How's that?" I ask.
Her face reddens. "Nothing specific. Anyway, I'm trying to make a point."
"And that point would be...?" I arch my eyebrows.
She strokes Nicoletta's head, answering, "There's a time and a place for everything. Whoever is responsible for Pina's situation, they'll pay. You need to be smarter than them."
She nods. "Yep. You don't do something stupid like shooting up Jacopo's house."
My heart pounds harder. "Who said I was going to do that?"
She snorts. "Please. You're the brother I've always been closest with. I know how this is affecting you. And right now, you're one choice away from doing something stupid."
I don't say anything, letting her words sink in.
"Go ahead. Tell me I'm wrong," she adds.
I open my mouth and then shut it.
She smirks.
"For someone who doesn't participate in the family business, you sure are well informed."
She grins, teasing, "Which is why you should always listen to me."
"Don't push it," I warn.
Her smile falls, and she lowers her voice. "Don't do something that can get you or Pina killed, Tristano. Listen to Papà and the others. You can't do this alone. You all need to be on the same team."
"Were you a cheerleader, and I somehow missed it?" I taunt.
She ignores my remark and questions, "Do you want to know the smart thing to do?"
I wave my hand. "Go on. Don't stop now."
She sits straighter. "You hit them when they think they're on top of the world."
"Their egos are so big that they think they're untouchable. They won't see it coming. A surprise attack when people are celebrating will always be better than one they're ready for," she points out.
I study my sister for a moment.
"What?" she asks.
I admit, "I think Papà made a mistake."
She pins her eyebrows together. "How?"