"Of course not!"
"Then you need to use your head and listen to me."
"Tell me your plan," I demand.
Papà goes to the bar and pours three shots of sambuca. He downs his and hands one to Luca and me.
I toss it down and grimace with regret. The liquor burns, creating a scorching fire in my stomach. I manage to challenge, "Tell me your plan."
Papà stays silent.
I seethe, "You don't have one."
Luca steps between us. "I have more information for you."
He sets his shot glass on the table and states, "I need you to stay calm."
My anger and fear flare. I grit my teeth, snarling, "About what?"
Luca's eye twitches. He announces, "Jacopo is throwing Biagio and Pina an engagement party on Saturday night."
My stomach churns, and the air turns stale in my lungs. "Engagement party? What the fuck are you talking about, Luca?"
"The hostess at Bella Bella told me. Jacopo has the entire restaurant for the night. If you want her back, that's the best place to make our move," he claims.
"It's a week away," I reply.
He nods. "Yes. But I doubt he'll take any chances and let her out before the party. Once they make it public, she'll be off-limits to anyone else."
"Over my dead body," I vow. All the crime families can fuck themselves. I'll be damned if I'm following some rule that turns Pina into Biagio's property. I add, "There's no way Pina agreed to marry him."
Luca and Papà exchange a glance.
Goose bumps pop out on my skin. "What?"
Papà nods to Luca. "Tell him."
My gut dives further. "Tell me what?"
Luca takes a joint out of his case and lights it up. He takes a long drag, holds the smoke in his lungs, then slowly releases it before he says, "There's something Guido said before he died."
Hatred and guilt overpower me. I knew I should never have let Dante assign Guido to Pina. Luca tortured him for hours before he finally admitted he was a traitor. I sniff hard. "And?"
Luca offers me the joint. I normally don't smoke unless it's night and I'm out partying. Lately, I need it to keep me from taking my Glock to the Abruzzo estate and killing as many men as possible before they take me out. I inhale a lungful of smoke as Luca answers, "He was almost dead when he mumbled something about Biagio creating a shot that causes amnesia."
"What does that mean?" I ask, taking another hit.
Papà interjects, "We think Biagio could be using it on Pina."
I freeze.
Luca steps closer and lowers his voice. "We don't know anything more. He died shortly after. But you should be prepared."
"For what?" I ask, feeling sicker by the moment.
"She may not remember you. Or any of us."