Page 144 of Carnal

She tilts her head and gives me a sympathetic smile. "We postponed it."

"Shit. I'm sorry, Bridget," I offer.

She shakes her head. "Don't be. It's fine. Let me help you to your room. Silvio is there with the medical team."

Papà adds, "If you're okay taking Tristano to his room, I'll go handle some issues that need to be taken care of."

"That works, Angelo," Bridget chirps, leading me down the hall.

I walk into my bedroom suite and freeze. When Papà claimed an entire medical team was at our house, he wasn't kidding. Nurses, doctors, and a lot of equipment fill my room.

Silvio, our family doctor who's taken care of our family for as long as I can remember, gives me a big smile. He instructs, "Tristano, come lie down. I'll introduce you to the medical team."

"I'd rather sit," I say, then gingerly make my way to the armchair.

"Very well, then," Silvio replies, waiting for me to settle. He introduces the men and women in the room, but I barely hear their names. All I want to know is if Pina's alive and where she's at.

The team fusses over me for several minutes, checking my vitals, helping me get resituated in the chair, and handing me my medication. I stay quiet through most of it, wishing all of them would disappear. When it gets to be too much, I lock eyes with Silvio. "I think I'm good for a while. Can I have some privacy now?"

He studies me then states, "We'll check on you in a while."

"All of you?" I question. The number of people in my room seems absurd.

Bridget sits on the couch across from me, smirking. "Your Papà might have gone a tad overboard."

I grunt. "Guess it's nice to know the old man still loves me. But, seriously, Silvio. Send all the unnecessary professionals home."

His face falls. He shakes his head. "Your injuries are serious, Tristano. I would not have let your Papà bring you home without a full team."

I scrub my face, instantly regretting it. My ribs hurt so badly, I didn't realize my face was bruised. I ask Bridget, "Can you bring me a mirror?"

"Sure." She gets up and leaves the room.

I refocus on Silvio. "I'm going to rest now. Thank you all for your service." I glance at each staff member.

Silvio assesses me then commands, "You heard the man. Everyone out. Nikki, recheck his vitals in thirty minutes."

I groan. "Not necessary."

"Don't argue, or I'll send you back to the hospital," Silvio threatens.

"Try me," I warn, but the thought of moving off the chair makes me shudder.

The room slowly empties until it's just me. Silence only feels good for a moment. The hole in my heart grows, and I close my eyes, fighting too many emotions.

What is my baby girl going through right now?

There's no way she isn't hurt. I was driving faster than I would have with Pina on the back, but I didn't see any other option. I mutter, "How fucking stupid could I have been?"

"Don't beat yourself up," Bridget softly orders.

I open my eyes, asserting, "I shouldn't have taken her on my bike."

She sits on the coffee table in front of me and grabs my hand. "You didn't know Biagio's men were following you."

I turn toward the window, wanting to cover the sun. Darkness fills me, and I'm scared it may never be light again.

If she doesn't come home to me, it won't be.