We meet in the middle, and Massimo repeats, "I asked you what you're doing here. And why are you with Pina? No offense, Pina," he says, glancing at her.
She waves her hand. "Dante owed me a vacation. Tristano said he needed my assistance. I make things happen."
"What are you here to make happen?" Massimo seethes.
I try to get him alone, ordering, "Let's talk in private."
Massimo only gets angrier. He demands, "Spit it out, Tristano."
All the emotions over Pina's and my disagreement mix with the ones about Massimo possibly betraying us. My defense mode kicks in, and I cross my arms, challenging, "I want to know what's going on. Why are you and Katiya halfway around the world?"
"One, it's not your business, little brother. Two, you could have called to ask me this. Three..." Massimo glances at the ladies then snarls, "How did you know where I was?"
I sniff hard, not flinching but trying to figure out what to say.
I should have rehearsed this better.
It was fine before Pina distracted me.
"Tristano," he barks.
I firmly reply, "Answer my question first."
Massimo's eyes turn wild. He announces, "I'm on vacation with my fiancée. Now, talk!"
My chest tightens. I blurt out, "Your fiancée?"
Massimo warns, "Yeah. And you better not say one disrespectful word about her."
My pulse skyrockets. I angrily accuse, "Are you crazy?"
Massimo lunges at me, grabbing my shirt. It takes me by surprise, and he pushes me backward. I yell, "Get off me!"
"Do not disrespect her!" Massimo shouts.
I jab him in the chest and claim, "She's working for Leo!"
I expect my brother to be horrified. He can't be an Abruzzo now. He just can't! But instead, his hands turn into fists. He threatens, "Little brother, you're one step from getting punched off this dock."
I push back. "It's true! She's trying to find out all the details about our business contacts!"
Massimo surprises me again. He claps slowly. "You haven't told me anything I don't already know."
Horrified, I question, "Why are you with her, then? Tell me you haven't turned against us, Massimo."
His face turns maroon with disgust. He roars, "Turned against you? And done what? Joined the Abruzzos?"
I stay quiet, but my heart beats so hard, I'm sure everyone can hear it.
Massimo seethes, "You believe I would ever be part of that family?"
I grit my teeth, repeating, "Then why are you here with her?" I glance at Katiya, who looks like a mouse caught in a trap.
Massimo seethes, "We're on vacation. Not that it's your concern."
"Have you lost your marbles? She's an Abruzzo," I growl.
He reaches back to punch me, but Katiya grabs his arm.