My butterflies spread their wings. I turn my head so our breaths merge. "I'm yours. You know this."
The corner of his mouth curves up in an arrogant manner. He claims, "Everyone needs to know you're mine."
A tiny laugh flies out of my mouth. "I'm pretty sure anyone who looks at us knows I belong to you."
"But do they know I'm your husband? Hmm?" he asks. His face returns to a determined expression.
"You tell anyone who doesn't already know we're married," I point out.
He picks up my hand and kisses it. Then he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out the most impressive diamond ring I've ever seen. He raises it so it's eye level to me.
My mouth turns dry, and my pulse increases. It sparkles from the flickering candlelight, which only seems to magnify its brilliance. All I can do is gape.
Gianni palms my cheek and says, "A flawless diamond for my perfect woman. Now everyone will know you're mine." He takes my hand again and slides the ring over my finger.
It's all I ever wanted—not the caliber of the diamond, because I would have been happy if he had given me a gummy ring and asked me to marry him. But to be his is everything I've ever dreamed of.
And this ring is totally Gianni. It's over the top, makes a statement, and I can't even imagine what it costs. He wants everyone to know I'm no longer on the market. This ring not only screams that but makes it clear my husband is a man of wealth and power.
I study my hand, trying not to cry, but a few tears fall. All I can manage is, "It's beautiful. Thank you."
He swipes at my tears and lowers his voice. "If you weren't married to me and I asked you to, what would you say?"
I swallow the lump in my throat then lick my lips. My answer is honest. "I'd say yes."
Arrogance lights up his face, mixed with happiness. "You're happy with how things are between us, then?"
More waterworks run down my cheeks. I take a moment to analyze his question. There isn't anything I'd change about our marriage. Gianni's been the perfect husband. He's kind, attentive, and can't keep his hands off me. Since we said our vows, he's put me first.
Worry fills his eyes when I don't respond right away. He asks, "Is there something you aren't pleased with?"
I shake my head. "No, baby. I love how things are between us."
Relief floods his expression. He gives me a chaste kiss. "Good, tesoro. I've never been this happy. More than anything, I want you to be happy."
"I am," I assure him without taking any time to ponder my answer. It's true. Things have been a bit chaotic between Fashion Week, figuring out the new normal, and the Abruzzo issues, but I've never felt so alive. I go to sleep with Gianni's arms wrapped protectively around me. I wake up to the same embrace, and everything feels perfect.
Yet it isn't only about our physical connection. In the past, he didn't display any vulnerability. Now, it's as if he's on a mission to show me his inner self, and I enjoy every minute of it. My love for him has only grown deeper.
He doesn't look convinced I'm telling the truth. He asks, "You are?"
"Yes," I assure him.
"Good. I want you to be happy, my tesoro," he restates.
"I am," I repeat then kiss him, putting every part of my soul into it. When I retreat, I examine my ring again. "Thank you. This is stunning. Honestly. I've never seen anything so beautiful."
Pride sweeps his face. He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear then dips his fingers to my collar. "Nothing is as beautiful as you. And I love you in this, too. Every time I see you wear it, my dick turns hard."
I bite on my lip, sliding my hand over his thigh and stroking it. I admit, "When I put it on, it makes me feel like I'm yours."
He laces his fingers through mine then closes our hands into a fist. He nods toward the diamond. "And this? Does this make you feel any more mine?"
I put my free hand on the back of his neck, moving my thumb under his ear. It's strange how something material can give you a sense of belonging to someone else, but that's exactly what the collar and ring do. I answer, "Yes. I feel completely yours."
Satisfaction fills his expression. His eyes gleam brighter. He presses his lips to mine, deepening his kiss until it's all-consuming, and I forget everything around me but him.
"Boss, time to go," Sandro barks.