"What's wrong?" I question.
"Nothing. Do me a favor and give me Brody's number."
Luca crosses his arms. "It's between him and me. Now, send it to me."
I pull out my phone and share Brody's contact info. Luca's phone pings, and he asks, "When are our guys from Italy arriving?"
My anger flares again. I scowl. "Giuseppe promised my father the new crew would arrive in two weeks."
Luca snorts. "His word is growing old, isn't it?"
I glance over my shoulder. We're in my office, and the door is closed, but I still need to be cautious. Papà doesn't tolerate anyone speaking ill of Giuseppe. But my irritation with him is to the point if Papà allowed us to sever ties, I would. It seems like it's been years since Giuseppe has done anything for us, except take our money. I admit, "That's one way to put it."
Luca pins his cool gaze on mine. "At what point does it become apparent he isn't capable of helping us or isn't making us a priority? All he does is promise, and I can't remember the last time he came through. Meanwhile, our strength is dwindling. If we didn't have our alliances, we'd be screwed."
I can't disagree with anything he said. It's a truth my father doesn't want to acknowledge. His loyalty toward Giuseppe is so strong, he has blinders on.
Luca takes the final puff of the joint and stubs it out in the ashtray. He rises. "Let me know if they ever arrive."
"Don't hold your breath," I mutter then open the door.
Luca pats me on the back and leaves.
As soon as he steps out, my cell rings. I glance at the screen then answer, "Rubio. Tell me this one is better."
"Ettore's back in town. He appraised it higher than we expected. He said to tell you that if you don't approve this one, then nothing will be good enough," Rubio states.
"I'm not looking for good enough. This is for my wife. I'm looking for exceptional... One of a kind," I remind him.
The same day the Abruzzos attacked our SUV, I met with Rubio. The diamond I ordered for my tesoro arrived, but it wasn't the caliber I wanted. So I've had Rubio searching for the perfect diamond. He's sent me over a dozen options, and the one I chose last week, the supplier assured him was a caliber he'd never seen before.
"Ettore insists it's perfection," Rubio declares.
Excitement flies through me. Every time I look at Cara's bare hand, panic crawls through my chest. Her collar gives me some sense of peace, but no one knows it's more than a necklace. I want the world to know that she's taken and off the market.
Ettore has been our family jeweler forever. He's my papà's generation and does everything old school. But no one knows gems the way he does. If he thinks it's perfect, I don't doubt it's flawlessness. I reply, "I'm on my way."
"Later," Rubio says and hangs up.
I leave the office, go to the garage, and hop in my silver McLaren 720S Coupe. I slide my hand under the seat and double-check I have several magazines for my Glock then turn on the car. Within minutes, I'm flying down the road, taking the curves faster than I should with the snowy conditions.
Another driver blares their horn when I pass a truck and only get back on my side of the road within seconds of hitting them.
Adrenaline surges through my veins. It's been months since I drove. The winters in New York can be intense, so I usually don't risk it. But driving has always been something that calms me. And the last few weeks, I can't seem to release the anxiety over Uberto that constantly plagues me.
I cut a sharp right, and more horns blare. I hit my Bluetooth and direct, "Call Pina."
She answers, "Well, well, well! If it isn't my favorite twin."
"Tell Dante that next time he calls you."
"Oh, I will," she sings. "Now, why are you calling me? I know your assistant quit again...although, I have to say, she lasted two months longer than your last one, so bravo to you. But Dante has me on overtime right now, so I don't have time to do her work," she proclaims.
I groan inside. Pina's been Dante's assistant forever. She's amazing, and no matter how much I try to steal her from him, she won't take me up on my offers. It's for the best since he'd want to kill me, but I go through three or four assistants a year. No one is like Pina. Plus, she doesn't get intimidated and back down from us. I answer, "I only need one tiny thing."
She laughs. "Sure. And the Pope isn't Catholic."