Page 76 of Immoral

"Katiya's business is just that—hers. But I can vouch for her. She's—"

"For crying out loud," Papà shouts, slamming his hand on the desk. "Open your eyes. I didn't raise you to make stupid decisions."

"I'm done here," Massimo declares and brushes past my father.

I grab the back of his shirt again. This time, he spins and pushes back. "Get off me!"

"My wife could have died! You bring Katiya here. Tonight!"

He jerks his head back. "Absolutely not."

"That Abruzzo is responsible—"

"Do not call her an Abruzzo. She's no such thing," Massimo insists.

"Everyone, calm down. This isn't helping us figure out who tipped the Abruzzos off," Tristano voices.

"Tell me you aren't as ignorant as your brother," Papà roars.

Tristano holds up his hands. "Hear me out."

Disgust fills me. "It's clear who tipped them off."

"You don't know that. It could be someone inside our circle," he suggests.

I scrub my face then tug on my hair. I meet Dante's eyes. "Are they really this gullible?"

"Looks that way to me," he seethes.

"Watch your mouth," Massimo threatens.

"Or what? Are you going to tell your piece of ass where we station all our security guards?" I taunt.

Massimo's hand curls into a fist. He pulls his arm back. "You mother—"

Tristano grabs his bicep. "Everyone, chill out."

"Chill out? They aren't accusing your woman of being an Abruzzo."

"If the shoe fits," I hurl.

"What do you think Arianna is going to say when she finds out?" Dante asks.

"She won't act like this, that's for damn sure," Massimo claims.

I snort. "Want to bet?"

"While you bastards fight, I'm going to try and figure out who could be a traitor in our house," Tristano declares.

"Everyone, be quiet," Papà orders.

Silence fills the air. My brothers and I all glare at one another. Papà assesses all of us. He finally says, "Massimo, you bring Katiya to see me. Tonight."

"What? No."

Black flames burn in Papà's eyes. "You dare disobey me?"

Massimo's head bobs side to side. He adamantly states, "She isn't an Abruzzo."