My brothers are all waiting. Massimo crosses his arms, sniffs hard, and snarls, "It's time we go to Jacopo's house and end this once and for all."
"I'm ready," Tristano agrees.
Papà flies across the room. He points at my younger brothers. "Have I taught you nothing?"
"You didn't teach us to be a bunch of pussies," Massimo states.
"Shut your mouth and sit down," Dante orders.
Surprise fills Massimo's expression. "You want to sit back and let them shoot at us in broad daylight? What if Bridget or the kids were in the car?"
Dante clenches his jaw.
I interject, "Of course he doesn't. But we can't attack Jacopo's. We're short on men right now. He's got just as many guards as we do, maybe more."
"I told you to hire the last recruits I brought in," Massimo states.
"Jesus. Are we back to this again? Those four wouldn't have lasted ten minutes in the line of fire," Dante claims.
"Bullshit," Massimo barks.
"Enough! I don't want to hear about those four again. They aren't our caliber. And no one is going to Jacopo's house unless I give the order. Get it through your head. Are the four of you crystal clear?" Papà asks.
Tension fills the air.
"I asked a question!" Papà exclaims.
"We're all clear. Aren't we?" Dante seethes, pinning his cold gaze on Massimo.
He shifts on his feet and grinds his molars.
"I'm good," Tristano states and plops down in an armchair.
I step forward and pat Massimo on the back. "Everyone is good. Sit down, brother."
He stares Dante down for another few seconds then takes his place on the couch next to me. Once everyone is seated, I say, "What I want to know is how they knew where we were going to be."
"When did Manny first notice them?" Papà asks.
"About fifteen minutes in," I reply.
"Besides the family, who else knew you were going to Cara's office?" he questions.
I shake my head. "No one. There wasn't any reason to tell anyone."
"No one? Not Rubio or anyone else you need to deal with today?"
"Rubio? What are you getting at, Papà? Rubio would never be part of the Abruzzos," Dante claims.
"I didn't say he was, but if you told him, who knows if he told someone."
"I didn't. I spoke to no one. Other than Manny and Sandro, the only people who knew were in this house," I point out.
"Maybe one of Bridget's kids said something to someone?" Tristano suggests.
"No way! They know better than to disclose any of our business to anyone. I don't even think they were in the room when you mentioned going," Dante defensively states.
Tristano continues, "It could have been by accident. Sean could have been talking to his girlfriend or—"