Satisfaction and excitement explode in my gut. Having a bit of control over Cara and her being pissed-off about it only serves to stoke my twisted moral compass. Visions of taking her on top of this table while she shoots her daggers at me until her eyes roll appear. My pants grow tighter, and I arrogantly reply, "Yes, rule. It's my first one. I'll let you know when you're ready for the second one."
"You're delusional. If you think—"
"One skillet and one Denver omelet. Is there anything else I can get for you besides a refill on coffee?" Kelsey says, setting plates of food in front of us.
My tesoro forces a smile. "No, thank you."
"That will be all," I reiterate.
"Very well. Enjoy your breakfast," Kelsey states then motions for a server with coffee to refill our mugs.
We wait for the man to finish then thank him. Once everyone is out of earshot, I point to Cara's plate. "Eat before it gets cold."
"I'm suddenly no longer hungry," she claims, pushing her plate away.
I move it back in front of her. "You need to eat. Let's not argue over this."
"Gee, is this rule number two?" She glowers at me.
I tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. "No, gorgeous. But I can make it rule eleven if you want."
She opens her mouth to fire something off, but I stop her.
I put my fingers over her lips. "I'm joking. Chill out. I'd never do anything to hurt your business. All I'll do is look to help you. But you married me to protect you, and I will."
She takes a deep breath.
I peck her on the lips then lower my voice, ordering, "Eat."
She hesitates.
Squeezing her thigh, I challenge, "Would you prefer I do indecent things to you here?"
Her lips twitch. She removes my hand. "No."
I sit back, satisfied we're past our little incident. I hand her a fork, restating, "Eat before it gets cold."
She takes the silverware and then a bite. I do the same, and we eat in silence for a few moments.
"Oh no," she mutters.
I glance at her, finish chewing, swallow, and ask, "What's wrong?"
Her eyes widen. "I missed Bridget's engagement party, didn't I?"
Guilt floods me. "Yep. We both did."
She cringes. "I'm sorry. How upset are she and Dante?"
I grunt, trying to act like it isn't a big deal. "They'll get over it. Dante's angrier that I won't tell him where we are."
"Why didn't you tell him?"
"Why do you think?" I take another bite of the omelet, waiting for her to answer my question.
Confusion appears in her expression. "Since when do you hide anything from Dante? And can't he just read your mind?"
I chuckle, admitting, "Sometimes he can. Not right now though."