Page 22 of Immoral

Dante barks, "Goddammit, Gianni! We don't do that in our family! What you just did is wrong."

"There was no other option after she was on stage, and you know it," I growl, not taking my eyes off Cara's.

The sound of Dante deeply inhaling fills the line. He finally says, "What am I going to tell Bridget?"

I snort. "I don't give a fuck. You deal with your woman, and I'll deal with mine."

"You know Cara will talk to Bridget when she's back."

"So? Since when are you scared about what your woman thinks?" I ask, brushing my pinky against Cara's pussy. Heat radiates off her black leggings. Her lush lips part. All I can suddenly think about is eating my way through the delicate gold and black lace lingerie I chose for her.

"You mean my soon-to-bewife. The one whoagreedto marry me and will be the head of the family with me," Dante points out, which only pisses me off. He's the future leader only because of a few measly minutes.

Normally, I'd get into it with him. He doesn't throw his weight around often, only when he's super angry with me, but I'd still put him in his place. Right now, I don't take my gaze off my tesoro, getting harder at the thought of her writhing under my face. I ignore Dante's statement and claim, "When I'm back, we're going after all of them."

A moment of silence fills the line except for his tense breathing. I slide my pinky back and forth faster over the material of Cara's pants.

Her glare softens. Blue flames filled with a needy desire. It's an expression that's always driven me insane. It haunts my thoughts when she's not with me. All kinds of women have looked at me for sex, but the way my tesoro's always gazed at me instantly fires up my blood. At this moment, it only serves to make my blood boil hotter.

I reply, "No one touches him until I return. Then the war is on. Every Abruzzo who was in that room is going to die." I hang up and toss my phone in the cupholder. I tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear.

She slowly licks her lips, as if she's deep in thought, driving me crazier. No one on Earth is a bigger tease than Cara. I swear she knows she's doing it. She'll appear clueless, but surely, she knows? So moments like these, I'm unsure if she's intentionally trying to make my balls bluer or if she's naive to what she's doing.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" I ask, dragging the back of my three fingers down her neck and over the tiny bite mark I left there.

She swallows then surprises me by crawling on top of my thighs and straddling me.

Happy she's coming around and remembering that it's been way too long since she sat on me like this, I circle my arm around her and fist her hair. I tug it gently and hover my face over hers. My dick pulses against her stomach. Her lips twitch, and I hold back my grin. "Are you enjoying what you're doing to me?"

Her eyes widen, feigning innocence. She bats her long eyelashes. "Isn't that what you wanted? Your wife, submitting to you?"

My pulse beats faster. I study her face, my body aching for her to give me some sort of release. I don't even care what kind. A blowjob. Sex. Anything. She could give me a handjob like a high schooler right now, and I'd be happier than I've been in years. Because that's the last time she touched me.

Nothing's been right since she's been out of my life. But I'm not about to give in to her without making it clear what the future holds. My new obsession that started forming on the plane isn't about us returning to our old ways. It's about something new in our relationship. It'll make it clear to her who she belongs to and remind her what only I'm able to give her. And it's going to make her thank her lucky stars she's Mrs. Gianni Marino. So I ignore my raging hard-on and reply, "This is better, but it's not fully submitting, now is it?"

A mixture of emotions flickers in her expression. She's confused because she wants it, too. I know her too well, and there isn't anything she can hide from me. She's always enjoyed me dominating her, but when I wrapped my fist around the leash, her eyes lit up. I couldn't have ignored it if I tried. So this is going to take my possessive tendencies to an entirely new level. And because I know her so well, I can see she's trying to understand why this new notion of submitting to me turns her on when she wants to keep hating me.

I tug her hair a bit farther back and clasp my other hand around her neck. "This will be a lot easier and more fun if you think about how I saved you instead of all the stupid shit I did to you in the past."

Her hands reach for my belt. Like always, she takes hardly any time to free my erection and wrap her palm around it. She strokes her thumb over the head and asks, "If I'm submitting, I can't do this."

"Sure you can. I give you permission," I arrogantly add then steal a quick kiss. Her hand on me is pleasant torture. I release my grasp on her hair so she's sitting straight up then slide my hand in her pants and cup her ass cheek. "This is better, don't you think? Like it should have always been."

She slides her knees until they hit the back of the seat and there's no room between us. I tighten my embrace around her, and she runs one of her hands through my hair. Her lips stop an inch from mine. She asks, "How should it have been?"

I don't hesitate. "You. Me. No one else."

A tiny laugh escapes her lips. She strokes my cock and states, "Gianni Marino and no one else. There's an unrealistic statement. What would all of your whores done?"

I cringe inside. I've made my own bed, but it sucks to hear her speak of my past. I know I hurt her. I used to justify it by saying I never cheated on her, but in some ways, maybe that would have been easier for her if I had. Anytime I slept with someone, I made it clear Cara and I were over before I touched them.

Well, after high school, at least. That was just a sick game, and all the kids in our school understood it, including Cara. But once we got out of high school and I stopped that shit, Cara and I got serious. I promised her the world over and over again. Then everything between us would get more intense.

Something about how she could read my mind and loved me, even though I'm flawed and twisted, scared the shit out of me. Perhaps, if I had cheated, she could have moved past me. There's no way to be sure, but no matter how much she wanted to reject me over the last few years, I still felt it between us.

If only I hadn't run like a coward.

I put more pressure on her ass and caress her collarbone. She shudders, which makes my erection twitch. I declare, "There won't be any more breakups or anyone else ever again. I promise you."