Papà clears his throat. "She's not. How far are you?"
I glance at the expressway sign. "Getting off the exit now."
"See you soon." He hangs up, and I grind my molars while opening and closing my fists.
I'm going to find him and slice him to pieces.
He better not touch her.
The notion makes me break out in a sweat. I wipe my forehead and try to keep it together, but I'm a bull in a china shop, ready to destroy everything in front of me.
I dial Luca.
It rings once, and he answers, "Tully."
"No. It's me."
"Why are you on his phone?"
"No time. Listen, I need you to scour Bow Street, closest to Queens Boulevard. He's in one of the brownstones, and he's got my wife," I snarl.
Silence fills the air.
"Did you hear me?" I spout.
Luca clears his throat. "Yeah, man. On it."
"We're out of time, Luca," I warn, feeling sicker.
"On it. Keep your cool," he orders then hangs up.
I hand Tully his phone back. More tension fills the inside of the SUV. He cracks the window and lights up a cigar.
Killian rolls his down, too. "Christ. That shit is going to choke me."
"Shut up," Tully barks, blowing his smoke out the open inch of the glass.
Killian turns to me. "Gianni. How did our guards not prevent this?"
More rage explodes all around me. "I don't know. But there's going to be hell to pay when I get my hands on them."
"You got a traitor in your house?" Tully asks.
My stomach sinks deeper. If I had any doubts about any of the men I assigned to protect Cara or Arianna, I wouldn't have given them this job. Yet it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong about someone.
"We don't know what's happened. Let's not assume things," Killian warns.
"My wife is missing," I bark.
"You need to stay calm," Tully states, and the gates to the house open.
I ignore him, jumping out of the SUV before it even stops. As soon as I step into the house, I yell, "Papà," running toward his office.
He steps out as I get there. His hardened face matches his eyes. The one thing I can always count on my papà to do is stay focused and lead during a crisis. He orders, "Come inside."
I follow, not knowing what else to do but blurting out, "Uberto's been hiding out in Queens. Luca's looking for the brownstone now. We need to go."
Massimo adds bullets to his Glock. "I'm ready."