He grunts, giving me the impression I'm somehow entertaining him.
"You find my question amusing?" I seethe.
He grins. "A bit."
"Why is that?" I snap.
He shifts on his feet. "Come with me, Mrs. Marino."
I freeze then count to ten.
He steps closer. "We should talk."
"I'm not going anywhere with you. Now, I've asked your name and want to know where my husband is, and I better get some answers," I threaten, wishing I had my phone with me. I don't know how to get ahold of anyone without it. I make a mental note to memorize all the Marinos' numbers, not that I'm sure who in this hellhole would even be kind enough to allow me to make a call.
He holds his hands in the air and smiles as if we're friends. "Please calm down. I'm Detective Contray. If you follow me, I can fill you in on all the details about your husband."
I hesitate, not wanting to go anywhere with this man but unsure what other option I have to find out anything about Gianni.
He motions for me to go ahead of him down the hallway. Seeing no other choice, I walk a few hundred feet, and he orders, "Turn right into room seven, please."
I obey and freeze when I step inside. It looks exactly like an interrogation room.
"Have a seat, Mrs. Marino."
I spin as the door bangs shut, blurting out, "Why are we in this room?"
"I thought you would want some privacy to discuss what we're charging your husband with," he proclaims.
"Charging him? With what?" I inquire, attempting to stay calm but not doing a very good job.
He points to the table. "If you sit, we can discuss this."
I swallow the lump in my throat then take a seat on the cold metal chair. Mirrored glass faces me. It makes me feel as if I'm somehow in trouble. I wonder if others are behind it watching me.
Detective Contray sits across from me, taps his index finger on the table, and studies me.
I do everything in my power not to shift in my seat, even though the cold metal hurts my ass. After what feels like forever, I lose the little patience I have remaining. "Where is my husband?"
Contray gives me a pitiful smile and softens his voice. "Your husband's in a lot of trouble, Mrs. Marino. He's looking at life in prison."
My stomach flips so fast, I put my hand over it. My throat turns dry, and my voice sounds scratchy. "For what?"
"We have significant evidence that involves you as well," he states.
I jerk my head backward. "Excuse me?"
He nods. "Your DNA is all over the place."
My heart thumps so hard against my chest, I'm sure he can hear it. "What are you talking about?"
Thirty seconds pass, making me feel so hot, I'm on the verge of sweating. He finally replies, "You have two choices, Cara. Do you mind if I call you Cara?" He shoots me a friendly smile, and I want to throw up.
I glare at him. "Yes. I do mind."
He scoffs in amusement. "Fair enough. Mrs. Marino, here are your choices. Are you listening closely?"
I've had enough of his condescending bullshit, but I'm also freaking out about Gianni going to jail and Contray's DNA comment. I cross my arms over my chest, wishing Gianni were here to protect me while trying to decipher whatever is happening in this room.