I sigh. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."
She pauses, giving me the Marino staredown I know too well.
I add, "I mean it. My intention wasn't to offend you or insinuate anything about your work ethic."
"Okay. Apology accepted." She steps forward and hugs me. "Just promise me you'll talk to Gianni about this and keep an open mind. I honestly can't see him wanting anything from Veronica, except for her to stay far, far away. She annoys him to no end. Plus, I've never seen him so happy since you got married. He's always loved you, and you've always been the one."
I want to believe her words, but all my past fears are like a hammer pounding into me. And Arianna has always been a romantic at heart. Regardless, I don't want to keep talking about this. I force a smile and put my arm around her shoulders. "Let's get out there before people start to look for us."
We leave the bathroom. Organized chaos is everywhere. Seamstresses are sewing final adjustments to wardrobe pieces. Makeup artists and hairstylists are everywhere. The scent of hair products flares in my nostrils. My stomach flips from the smell, but I put my hand on a table and steady myself.
Arianna and I part. I study the scene. A line seems to divide the room. My veteran clients are on one side and my more inexperienced ones on the other. It doesn't surprise me, yet it's not what I'm trying to achieve. Veronica sits on a couch with her legs crossed while two nail techs, one on each side, adhere her acrylics. I manage to avoid her for a mere two seconds before she seems to sense me. She pins her steely gaze on mine, making my stomach pitch.
I know her expression all too well because I've seen her in action too many times. She knows I'm Gianni's wife, yet instead of backing down, her eyes are challenging me.
Better to get this over with now rather than later.
Calm down first. She has the most time in the show. Plus, she's the grand finale.
Screw her. He's my husband. I need to make it clear what's appropriate behavior around Gianni and what isn't.
Narrowing my eyes, I square my shoulders and walk over to her. Neither of us flinches. I state, "When you're done with your nails, we need to talk in private."
A sinister smile grows on her lips. Her voice oozes fake sweetness. "Whatever about?"
"Oh? What about him?"
All ability to keep my cool flies out the window. "Let's not play dumb, Veronica. We're married. I'm not sure what that spectacle was out there, but I can assure you, I won't put up with it."
She feigns a yawn. I want to smack her. I fist my hand at my side. She bats her eyelashes and smiles bigger. "If you have an issue with Gianni, you can take it up with him."
"Stay away, Veronica. This is your only warning."
She turns to the nail tech on her right. "Did you hear her threaten me?"
The nail tech glances nervously between us.
I remind myself I'm here for work. I quickly order, "Don't answer her." I turn back to Veronica.
She smirks. "You know what I find amusing about Gianni?"
Don't fall into her trap. Tell her to stay away and walk away.
My willpower is too weak. I can't help myself. I take the bait, asking, "What's that?"
Her eyes brighten. Arrogance expands in her expression. "He gets bored so easily."
Her statement hits my last nerve. I blink hard to avoid showing her the effect her statement has on me. I lean down near her ear and murmur, "You know what I find interesting about you?"
She turns her head, facing me, taking the bait quicker than I took hers. "What's that?"
"You're running out of time. Your career will one day be over. The only thing left will be memories and your has-been status. When that happens, you're going to think of me. Do you know why?"
All the insecurities I am too aware of flood her eyes. She swallows hard and chokes out, "Why would I think of you?"