“Maybe,” he allowed. “Maybe not. Time will tell.”

“I won’t rule at his side.”

“I do not blame you.” He touched my shoulder. “You deserve better than how he would treat you.”

Something tingled down my spine, and his hand felt warm and heavy against my skin. “I could go into the Underworld with you,” I said. “You will need someone to help you sort through the souls.”

For a split second, his understanding smile changed to one of pity, and I bristled. But before I could react, he said kindly, “Nothing would please me more. As much as I would enjoy your company, however, the Underworld would not suit you. I am fine with the darkness and the quiet, but you, sister, would wither without light. And I cannot do that to you.”

“You don’t know that for sure,” I said. “It would be worth the isolation if I didn’t have to be near Zeus.”

He chuckled softly. “As I said, I do not blame you. But something better will come along, and in the meantime, you will have an equal voice on this council.”

“What if that isn’t enough? What if Zeus still finds a way to take over?”

“Then we will deal with that as it happens,” said Hades. “I am on your side.”

At least someone was. “You’re sure I can’t come with you?”

He pressed his lips to my forehead. “I would never forgive myself for what that place would do to you. But I will come visit you often, and I promise you will never be alone.”

His words warmed me from the inside out, quelling the last of my frustration. “Why do you have to be so good, Hades? Why can’t you be more like Poseidon and Zeus? It’d be easier to insist the lot of you weren’t fit to rule.”

He squeezed my shoulder. “Because if I were, we would be warring amongst ourselves, and we all know what would happen then. Go back to Olympus, Hera. Rest. I will see you soon, and in the meantime, try not to let Zeus get to you. He’s overwhelmed with victory and relief, and that does strange things to men.”

“He’s not a man,” I said. “He’s a god.”

“Then we can expect this to last much longer than it otherwise would.” He embraced me for a brief moment before letting me go. “Do not forget your worth.”

With that, he turned and walked toward the sealed crack in the earth, his footsteps leaving no trace in the dirt. I watched him disappear until darkness consumed him, and once he was gone, I took a shaky breath and returned to the others. I would never follow Zeus, but as long as Hades was there to introduce reason, perhaps this new life wouldn’t be so bad, after all.

* * *

Sometime in the night, a sharp rap of knuckle against the wall of my Olympus bedroom startled me awake. While normally we did not need to sleep, after exerting our powers as we all had during the final battle, we required rest. Which only made the knock more confusing.

“Come in,” I called, sitting up in bed and smoothing my hair. I was exhausted, my body heavy with sleep, but it was hard to shake the sensation of being on edge, as I had been during the past ten years. A knock then could’ve meant another battle or a turn we hadn’t seen coming. We’d devoted every moment to strategizing and watching, and none of us had gotten a proper amount of rest.

The curtains parted, and Zeus stepped through. My stomach turned. Olympus hovered eternally between the blue sky of day above us and the rainbow of dusk below, but even with the golden sunlight that washed across his face, he looked pale. As he should have. If there was any justice in the world, he felt guilty for how he’d treated me and our sisters.

“Hera?” he said softly. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“Since when have you ever been concerned with courtesy?” I curled back up in bed and closed my eyes. “Be quick about it. I was having a nice dream.” One that involved dark hair, silver eyes and a lack of sunlight Olympus would never experience.

Zeus said nothing for nearly a minute. By the time he finally spoke, I’d drifted back to the edge of sleep. “I love you.”

My eyes flew open. “Excuse me?”

“I have for a very long time.” He stepped closer, reaching out for me as if he expected me to take his hand, but I didn’t move. Zeus hesitated. “You are extraordinary, Hera. You are beautiful. You are powerful. And out of all my sisters, I think you would be best suited to stand at my side.”

I shook my head. “You have enough women to keep you company, Zeus. I won’t be another horse in your stable.”

“You wouldn’t be. I would devote myself to you and your power. To you and your brilliance. I will forsake the others if you insist I must, but I want to marry you.”

For a long moment, I was silent. Any lingering exhaustion I’d felt had vanished, leaving me with bewilderment coursing through my veins. He wanted to marry me? He could barely speak to me as an equal, and he wanted me to devote my life to him? “No.”

Zeus recoiled as if I’d slapped him. “What?”

“I said no.”

“But—I’m King of the Skies,” he said, stunned. Clearly he hadn’t expected anything short of a yes. “You could be my queen. You could have absolute power—”

“I don’t want to be your queen,” I snapped. “And we both know that your definition of ‘absolute power’ is really absolute power second to yours. I won’t be second to anyone, and I will not marry someone who looks down on me for my sex. Now leave.”