“Is it easy being gay in any part of the country?”
“Touché.” He nudges me with his elbow. “But I do think it’s easier in some places than in others.”
“So who broke your heart?”
He shrugs. “A guy in Mobile. He was all in love with me until his family was around. Then he was the straightest straight guy you’d ever know. Even claimed to love football.”
My nose wrinkles, and I do a little snort. “Well, you were in Alabama.”
“He was so cute, though. And he gave the best head.”
Both my hands go up. “I guess we just went from zero to besties.”
He laughs, and I smile. He has nice dimples, and I wish I knew a nice, non-closeted gay guy to introduce him to. It’s been a long time since I lived in this part of the state.
“Here it is.” I gesture towards the strip mall. “Lana had to go back to school. Truth is, I think she developed a crush on Dr. Dennison, and it made him uncomfortable. Now I have to take down all her Halloween decorations.”
“Dr. Paw Paw.” Kevin reads the sign. “Cute.”
“It was the doctor before my brother, but he kept the sign. It’s all about branding.”
An hour later, I’ve got the witches and black cats safely stowed in the storage closet, and I’m about to head over to Jessica’s salon when my brother and a familiar redhead bustle through the door laughing.
“Nevermind, it’s pointless,” my brother says.
Libby stares at him a half-second before blowing air through her lips and crying, “That’s the worst joke ever!”
“I don’t write them. I just repeat them.” My brother holds up his hands, and they both freeze when they see me and a uniformed police officer standing in the waiting room staring at them.
“What the hell?” Libby’s eyes flitter from me to my brother to Kevin.
Henry’s brow lowers, and he snaps into serious-professional mode. “Carly… Is everything okay? Was there a break-in?”
I’m still recovering from the sight of my brother arriving at work with my somewhat-recent nemesis. Looking up, I realize Kevin is giving off major public-servant vibes.
“Oh my gosh, yes!” I cry. “Everything’s fine. This is Kevin—from Pensacola!” They visibly relax when I add that part. “He’s just here with me. Visiting.”
Jessica’s advice drifts through my mind, and I decide it’s the best course of action—even if Aunt Viv knows he’s here for my protection.
My brother nods, smiling. “Cool. Nice to meet you, Kevin.”
Libby appears less convinced this is a simple visit, so I decide to distract everyone. “I’m walking over to get coffee at the Salty Brewnette. Can I get you anything to go with these scones? Coffee? A smoothie?”
“Get me one of those acai bowls.” My brother digs in his pocket for some cash. “Libby?”
“I like their strawberry-banana smoothies.”
“You got it!” She’s still watching me, but I smile and point to Kevin. “Anything for you, Officer?”
His brow lowers, and he seems conflicted. “I’ll walk with you. You might need help carrying things.”
“It’s all good. I’ll get one of those little cardboard trays.” I wave at him. “Be right back.”
The brass bell rings as I push through the door, headed to the corner. I hear it ring again, and glancing back, I see Kevin walking behind me a short distance.
To put his mind at ease, I point at the clearly visible silver food truck, and he nods but doesn’t stop his progress. I skip up to the counter and place an order for two coffees, a strawberry-banana smoothie, and an acai bowl.
Handing over the cash, I linger a moment in front until another customer arrives. Kevin is at the corner, by the street, and I amble around to where the picnic tables are set up. It reminds me of seeing Beck, and I pull out my phone, wondering when he’s going to be back.