“I have everything I need, and your lies can go to hell with you.” My fingers are on the box, but he doesn’t release it.
“I only lied to protect you.” Our eyes clash again.
“If that’s what you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.”
He releases the box, but he’s not finished. “On some level, you must’ve believed me. You pulled away from her, from what I understand.”
Fury burns in my chest, and my fist clenches. I visualize punching him in his smug face, but I hold myself in check. Knowing it was his jealousy turned to hatred that provoked the lie is one thing. Knowing I allowed his words to drive me underground is another.
“Losing Mom hurt more than I ever thought it would.” I look up at him. “I made a mistake in not turning to Carly in my grief, in believing you. Mom was gone, and nothing would bring her back.”
“If your relationship was so strong, it wouldn’t have mattered.”
“Ultimately, it didn’t. I spent so much of my life alone, I regret being too immature to trust my feelings.” My hand slides across the pain in my stomach. “But I’ve managed to convince her to give me a second chance. I’m going to marry Caroline Dennison, and we’re going to live in the Pearl. And you’re never going to say an unkind word to my wife, or you’ll never see my face again.”
Sliding his hand down the front of his jacket, he stands straighter and leaves the balcony without a word.
I don’t know if this means I won, but I feel like I went a full twelve rounds.
Now I just want to hold my girl.
“You whisk the sour cream and egg in a small bowl until they’re smooth…” My aunt’s voice wakes me from a blissful sleep.
I was frustrated from missing Beck and angry at Ronnie’s overprotectiveness when Jessica dropped me at the house last night, but just as I was dozing off, I got a text that turned the whole evening around.
Been thinking about you all day.I lay back on my bed, smiling like a goof, and there was more.When I get back tomorrow, I have something to discuss… no pressure. Just want to know your thoughts.
He’d sent it while Jessica and I were driving home singing our theme song, “Magic,” at the top of our lungs, so I didn’t see it until after I’d washed my face and was in my nightgown, plugging my phone in to charge.
I texted back immediately,I can’t wait to see you again. I miss you so much. Ready to discuss anything.
It was too late, and he didn’t reply. Still, I drifted to sleep with visions of Mrs. Daigle and Mrs. Garvey in my head.
Now I’m lying in bed listening to Police Officer Kevin’s deep voice in Aunt Viv’s kitchen. “I wasn’t using a whisk. I was using a wooden spoon.”
“There’s your problem,” my aunt scolds. “And you have to fold the raspberries into the dough. Gently or you’ll make it tough. Then you’ll just have little triangular bricks.”
My brow furrows, and I push out of the bed, pulling my robe over my shoulders. My hair’s a mess, but I don’t care as I stagger into the kitchen to see my aunt in her mint green muumuu pointing with a silver spatula to Kevin the cop, who’s holding a bowl and a whisk and wearing her red and white checked apron over his uniform.
“What is going on in here?” I’m trying to act annoyed, but they’re too cute.
“Oh, hey, Carly.” Kevin smiles and waves the whisk at me. “Your aunt’s teaching me to make her signature raspberry scones.”
Pressing my eyes closed, I shake my head as I stagger to the coffee pot. “Nice apron.”
It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, and I’ve got to say, he’s pretty hot. His dark hair is cut in a neat style, and he has a cleanly shaped, close beard covering his cheeks. I can see from his short-sleeved uniform, he’s got guns in more ways than one.
“I thought you spent the night.” My aunt sounds almost apologetic. “I found this young man outside sleeping in his police car, and he said he was here to see you. What was I to think? So I invited him in, and I started making breakfast. Then we got to talking about recipes…”
“Jess had to be at work for seven.” I wonder if that’s irony, considering I came home hoping to sleep a little later… I’ll never get it straight.
I cup my hands around my mug, and Kevin gives me a nod. “I like that nail color. Is it Essie Ballet Slippers?”