Lying back on my pillow, I quickly tap out a reply.I can still feel your lips against my skin. Not sure how I’ll sleep tonight.
Gray dots float, and as I wait, I glance over at my window. The sheer curtains lift in the breeze, and I sit up. It’s a cool night, but I don’t remember opening my window.
Frowning, I step over to my door and open it. “Aunt Viv? Did you open my window?”
“What’s that?” she shouts over the noise of the television.
“My window?” I call louder.
“What about it?”
My phone dings, and I look down. “Never mind. It’s nothing.”
Beck’s text is waiting.I’ll be back before you even miss me.
I have a quick reply for him.Too late.
Tossing the device onto my bed, I walk over to my desk, searching for the papers I’d stuffed in the drawers the night he chased me through the house. A little smile lifts the corner of my mouth when I remember him reading my list. I have a few more items I’d like to add to the pro column, starting with dancing in the kitchen. Only…
Moving books aside, I pull out a blank sheet of paper, then I pull out a book. Where is it?
Walking over to my bed, I pick up my phone again and tap out a quick text.Did you take my list?
I wait as the phone sits silent. No gray dots, and I wonder where he could be. Returning to my desk, I pull out more books, opening drawers and searching all around the floor. I look at my door, and I don’t believe my aunt would have come in here.
The phone dings again, and I snatch it up to see if he replied.
It’s Jessica.My new gel kit just arrived. Come over and I’ll do your nails.
My brow furrows, and I hesitate. I glance at my plain fingernails, then I glance at the clock. It’s only seven, and I don’t have anything better to do.
Give me fifteen minutes.I text back, and punch up the number for Ronnie.
As a psychologist, I know the best way to stop worrying about something is to talk about it. My thumbs fly as I send him a quick text.Any word on Michael Myers? Halloween’s over. Should I plan to stay through Christmas?
Not that I would mind staying through Christmas. I hit send, and immediately I have another thought.I’m still getting paid, right?
Placing my phone on the desk, I quickly change into joggers and a cropped sweatshirt. I put my phone in my pocket and return to the living room.
“Jessica wants me to come over so she can do my nails.”
My aunt looks up briefly. “Will you spend the night?”
Hesitating, I think about it. “Maybe… Think you’ll be okay?”
“I’m perfectly fine, Caroline. I haven’t had a bit of trouble the whole time you’ve been here.”
She’s fussy, but I walk over to kiss her head. “I don’t know if I’ll spend the night, but I’m only a few blocks away if you need me.”
“I won’t need you. Have fun.”
* * *
“How can you be pregnant and still be getting your period? It doesn’t seem fair.” Jessica sits across the small table from me, and I hold my fingers in the blue light box.
We’re watchingFifteen and Pregnant, and she’s painting my nails the palest, neutral pink. “I’ll tell you what’s unfair. Not being able to eat popcorn right now.”
“Stop complaining. You’re getting a free gel manicure.”