She knew better when she saw my gift. “Pansies?”
Our eyes met, and I shrugged. “See you ladies at the festival.”
Aunt Viv was thrilled, but Carly only sipped her coffee, watching me. Still, when I looked back, just outside the door, I caught a grin curling her lips. It was all I needed.
The rest of the day, I spent cruising around town, checking for anything unusual. I stopped in at the police substation to see if they’d had any reports of suspicious activity or lone young women—I actually had no idea what I expected to find. Still, the guys were happy to chat, and they said they’d be on the lookout.
I went by the toll booth and talked to Sadie. She said the only lone woman she’d seen was Carly weeks ago. It’s not reassuring, considering I cruised right past the empty booth on my first visit.
Basically, I did all I could to case the area. Now I’m counting down the minutes until I see her again. I’ve taken her to dinner at her favorite restaurant. Last night we danced to our favorite song, and we kissed…
Damn, the way we kissed—hungry, delicious, consuming. I’ve been horny ever since. I wonder how much more groveling it’ll take before she’ll let me in again. I can’t push her, but after seeing her list, I’m encouraged.
“I have to say,” Henry calls from his bedroom. “I didn’t expect you to be so excited about going tonight.”
“What?” I pretend to be insulted. “I’m all about shit like this. Small town fundraisers, candy apples, Ferris wheels.”
Henry’s eyes narrow as he enters the room. “Making out with my sister?”
If I’m lucky… Pulling my jacket over my shoulders, I push through the door. “Let’s go.”
* * *
The festival lines both sides of the boardwalk down to the water and fans out on either side between the beach and the parking lot. They have everything from a dunking booth to kiosks where local farmers sell fresh produce and local artisans sell toiletries or handmade crafts. The lights reflect off the water, growing stronger as the sun sets, and the Ferris wheel rises high above it all.
We pass by a booth with knitted items and a sign that says Ladies Auxiliary. Henry points to two brightly colored blankets. “Those are the ones Aunt Viv’s been working on.”
“She made those?” I dig in my pocket for my wallet, waving at the teen behind the booth. “Hey, I want that blanket there.”
The kid walks over to the tight-knit gray and navy one. “This?”
“Yeah, can you hold it behind the table for me?” I hand him forty bucks, and his eyebrows shoot up.
“It’s only twenty-five.”
“That’s okay. I’ll give you a tip to hold it for me.”
The kid agrees, and I give him my name before steering Henry around in the direction of the Ferris wheel at the end of the pier.
“You’re really going all out.” Henry’s messing with me, but I don’t care.
I’ll do whatever it takes, as long as it takes, to show Carly I’ve changed. We’re approaching the large wheel, where I’ve made appointments with two people to meet right about now.
“I’m going to speak to Dr. Paul.” Henry starts to leave me, but I catch his arm.
“Hang on, I want to ride.”
“Dude, you’re my friend, but I’m not riding the Ferris wheel with you.”
I’m ready to hassle him when a high voice shouts over the carnival music. “Hey, Doc!”
Turning fast, I see Libby making her way towards us waving. She’s cute with her red hair in a high ponytail. She’s wearing a green dress that has a plunging V-neck right down her ample tits. I glance over at my friend and thinkPerfect.
I lift my chin and wave her to us. “Libby, hey. Glad you could make it.”
She steps forward to give me a hug and a friendly peck on the cheek. “I don’t know why I agreed to do this.”
“Because you want to meet people.” I laugh, turning to meet Henry’s stunned gaze.