Page 63 of Tangled Up

He’s quiet, and when I do meet his eyes, they’re deadly serious. “Is this why you came back to Eden? To hide?”

Pressing my lips together, I inhale slowly. “My chief wanted me to get out of town for a few days. Just until she’s back in custody.”

“She’snotin custody?” He steps back, placing his hand on his hip. “This is serious, Carls.”

“It’s not. Alize just needs her meds--”

“Her meds… Is this the woman you told me about last night? Whose children you had taken away?”

God, I’m so embarrassed. Why did I tell him all that? “Yes, and I know, she sounds dangerous, but she’s five hundred miles away. The chief has a team of men looking for her—”

“Your chief is also five hundred miles away.”

“We talk almost every day. It’s not something for you to worry about.”

I watch as he passes his hand over his lips. He’s so big and strong, but in this moment, he almost looks vulnerable. “Does Henry know?”

“Of course not.”

“Your aunt?”

“Only Jessica knows. And now you.”

“I don’t like it.”

Our eyes meet, and I love that he’s worried about me. At the same time, I’ve been taking care of myself for seven years.

“It’s going to be fine.” Taking his arm, I pull him from my bedroom, leading him to the kitchen. “I think we should say goodnight.”

Holding his arm, I can feel the tension in his muscles. Still, incredibly, he lets me guide him to the screen door. Worry fills his blue eyes, and maybe Jessica is right. Maybe things are completely different now that we’re adults.

“Lock this door.” He points to the latch at my temple.

Nodding, I put my hand up to show I’ll do it. “Thanks for stopping by.”

He hesitates, and I can see it’s taking all his strength to honor my wishes. He pauses, tracing a finger along the line of my hair. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Okay.” I nod, and he steps forward, branding my lips with a firm kiss.

His kiss lingers on my lips, and I watch as he slowly walks up the path in the direction of his house.



“Reschedule as many as you can. For urgent follow-ups, I can see them on Zoom.”

I’m standing in my kitchen on the phone with my assistant, listening to the clatter of the keyboard as she reworks my schedule.

“Looks like most of your appointments for the week can be rescheduled. Is everything okay?”

“Just a situation here… I need to stay until it’s resolved.”

“Something with the old man?”

“Ah, no. It’s a personal matter.” Walking to my laptop open on the counter, I pull up my log. “I released Jeb Callahan. I’ll enter my notes in his file later today.”

“I’ve got you covered.”