“Oh, great.” Jessica smiles and raises the fresh glass. “A stalker.”
“Don’t be mean.” I give him a polite smile and turn away quickly. “Don’t be too nice either.”
“I never know the right thing to do when someone sends me a drink. If I take it, it’s like I’m inviting him over, but you can’t really refuse a free drink. It’s already been poured.”
“Or mixed.” I lift the fresh beer and take a sip.
“It’s like an un-declinable pick-up line. It’s actually very pushy.” She shifts around so her back is to the bar. “Speaking of stalkers, what’s the latest on your psycho killer?”
“She’s not a psycho killer.” I fuss at my friend. “And she’s still at large.”
Jessica’s eyebrows rise. “Is that strange? I would think the mentally ill would be easier to catch, like wouldn’t she leave a trail or at least been in contact with family or someone who knows where she is.”
Lifting my shoulders, I shake my head. “It’s my first time in this situation. I don’t know how it works.”
“Is that why you wanted to come here tonight? Feeling stressed? Or is it your aunt? Is she driving you crazy yet? I swear, I could not live with that woman twenty-four seven. I don’t know how you do it.”
“Actually, Aunt Viv is doing a lot better. She’s knitting blankets for a few church projects, and she smiled at me today.”
Jessica sets her beer down hard and leans back in her chair. “You are shitting me. Maybe she did have a stroke.”
“In my experience, negative people are often lonely people. Get them involved, and it can change their whole worldview.”
“Have you given any more thought to moving back here permanently? I know several old grumps who could use a new world view.”
Pressing my lips together, I shake my head. “There was a time I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Helping Henry with his animals, hanging out with you on the weekends…”
“Marrying Beck Munroe and filling his giant mansion with a passel of babies.”
She’s teasing, but it’s like a punch in the gut. It must register on my face, because she grabs my arm, eyes wide.
“Oh, Carls, I’m sorry. I was only joking… I mean, sort of. I mean, at one time it was true, wasn’t it?”
I blink, and a tear hits my cheek. “Oh my God.” I force a laugh as I quickly dash it away with the side of my hand. “I’m fine, really.”
But I can’t say any more for fear I’ll break down.
She chews her bottom lip, studying me. “Yeah, you really seem fine. Are you dreading tomorrow?”
“What’s tomorrow?”
“Thursday? He’s coming here tomorrow to check on Mr. C and your aunt. You told me he said—”
“He’s already back.” Lifting my beer, I take a long sip, holding it a moment in my mouth before swallowing. “He got in late this afternoon.”
Her eyebrows rise. “You’ve seen him already?”
“I’ve seen him.”
“Sounds like you did more than that. Or should I say it sounds like you saw more of him than you’re sharing.”
For some ridiculous reason my face heats. I lift my beer to hide it, but she catches my wrist, lowering it to the table again.
“You slept with him!” Her eyes are wide. “Does this mean you’re back together? Are you moving back to Eden?”
“It doesn’t mean anything. I didn’t sleep with him. We just… screwed around.”
“Yeah, you did.” She relaxes into laughter, clapping her hands. “Dr. Munroe is looking pretty hot these days, not that he ever wasn’t hot. I don’t blame you for tapping that. Show that Libby girl who’s the baddest bitch in Eden.”