My brother nods slowly, and we stop outside our aunt’s little house. “How’d you leave it?”
“He’s coming back on Thursday, supposedly to check on Mr. C and Aunt Viv.”
“That’s good. You need to get it all on the table, and see what’s left.”
“Nothing is left. We were kids when all of that happened. Now we’re adults with our own lives. Going back down that road will only lead to more pain.”
“Maybe.” He gives me a kind smile. “Or maybe it could lead somewhere new.”
“I thought I was the eternal optimist.”
“I just know you two had a lot, and you got hit with a lot. I like to believe in second chances.”
“Don’t hold your breath.” Stepping forward, I give my big brother a hug. “I know he was your best friend, but he hurt me pretty bad.”
“From what I’ve heard, he has some pretty deep regrets.”
“Well, he has a lot of work to do.”
“Maybe he’s ready to do the work. Maybe that’s why he came here.”
Henry gives my shoulder a squeeze and continues walking. I pull my phone out of my pocket and a million notifications cover the face.
Two are from Ronnie—the first is a simple check-in. The second is more ominous,Call me when you get this.
I tap the phone icon, and he answers after the first ring. “Where the hell have you been all day?”
“Hello to you, too.” Turning my back to the fence, I lean against it.
“I was about to run an APB. You can’t go all day without returning my texts, Dennison. Especially when you’re in a witness-protection situation.”
“I was helping my brother at his vet clinic. We didn’t get a minute’s rest. What’s going on? Did something happen?”
“One of the deputies tracked down a friend of Willis, who saw her after she skipped out on her furlough.” His voice goes lower. “She knows you’re in Eden.”
“How could she possibly know that?”
“Irrelevant. I’m sending one of the boys down to keep an eye on you. I don’t like this, Carls.”
His tone is ominous, but my lips press into a thin line. “I don’t need an officer getting in my way or drawing unnecessary attention. She’s not going to hurt me.”
“I hope you’re right, kid, but I’m not taking a chance. I’m sending Kevin. He’ll keep you safe.”
Scrubbing my fingers over my eyelids, I know Kevin. He’s a good guy, but he’s so obvious. “Just hold off for now, okay? My brother’s here, my friends are here, and I’ve got training. I won’t do anything stupid. I think if we act like this is a dangerous situation, someone is going to get hurt.”
“And if we don’t, you could get hurt.”
“I know how to defend myself. Would you trust me?”
He exhales heavily, and I wait, holding my breath for his response. “I’ll give it one more week. If we haven’t apprehended her by then, I’m sending backup.”
“It’s a deal.”
We disconnect, and I look up at the sky, praying for patience. Looking at my phone again, my chest squeezes when I see the remaining text. It’s from Beck.
Can’t stop thinking about you. Hope you’ll make time to see me next weekend. We really need to talk.
Pressing my lips together, that old adage, “When it rains, it pours,” drifts through my head. Looking up the path towards the ocean, I think about my brother’s advice. Beck and I do need to talk, and not because we’ve outgrown this relationship. More like we’ve never been able to make it stop.