“Is that you, Dr. Munroe?” He stands, walking slowly down the front steps of his small house.
It’s too late to turn around now. “Hey, Mr. C.”
“Let yourself in.” He pauses on the landing, where a fat, orange cat is lying in the sun. “What are you doing in Eden?”
I reach over the gate and unhook the latch. “Had some time off. I figured I’d drive down and check on the Pearl, see how you were doing.”
His bushy gray brow furrows, and he motions for me to follow him. “Pretty unusual timing you got there. Sure it wasn’t any other reason?”
“I don’t know what you mean. What other reason would I have?” I walk up the stairs behind him, when the screen door opens and my whole world tilts sideways.
“Here you go, Mr. C.” In a swirl of brown and beautiful, she steps out, coffee mug in hand. “Just how you like it. Two creams, no sugar.”
Her voice hits me in the chest like a sucker punch. My breath disappears, and I grasp the banister for balance. It’s like a ghost has appeared, or I summoned her with all my memories.
I can’t believe my eyes. She’s as beautiful as ever in cutoff shorts and a white tank with her glossy brown curls falling around her shoulders.
“I can think of another reason.” Mr. C’s voice drips with sarcasm, but it’s possible I’m in shock.
Carly’s golden eyes are wide as well, her pillow lips parted. The coffee mug wobbles in her hand, and Mr. C quickly takes it from her.
“Don’t drop my favorite mug, Caroline.” He takes a sip from the cup that reads,Coffee makes me poop, and nods in my direction. “My Tampa doctor apparently makes long-distance house calls. Although, maybe he isn’t my Tampa doctor?”
I’m trying to think of words, but all I can summon is a whispered, “Carly?”
I’m out of my body. The pain in my foot is gone. The fact I’m standing here in swim trunks and a tee no longer matters. I’ve forgotten my status, my present, the reason I made the drive south.
Then, I realize I’m staring at her like a psycho and shake the shock away, clearing my throat and lowering my voice. “I mean, Carly, hi.”
“Beck? Is that you?” Her voice is soft, as if she’s breathless, too. “How long has it been?”
She steps forward to give me a hug, and I’m forced to let go of the bannister. I hold her stiffly, fighting the primal urges in my chest as her warm body presses against mine, as her essence floods my senses.
I know exactly how long it’s been. “Seven years.”
“Let me get you a cup of coffee.” She doesn’t give me a chance to answer, turning away quickly.
My eyes slide down her cute little ass and her smooth legs as she disappears through the door, and the old man cocks an eyebrow. “Very interesting.”
At least with her gone, I can get a handle on my emotions—or try. My mind swirls with conflicting thoughts.
What the fuck?Keep calm.
So Carly is in Eden, so what? Her aunt still lives here, her brother. I didn’t think it through if I thought she couldn’t possibly be here.
But she moved to Pensacola…
I don’t have time to ponder the question before she’s back on the porch again, knocking me off my balance.
“I got you a fresh cup.” She hands me a mug that reads,Coffee because crack is illegal.
“You gave him my second favorite mug?” Mr. C scowls. “Don’t drop it, young man.”
I can’t drink any more coffee today, but I’m not about to turn her down. She’s standing in front of me with her cute little nose turned up and her brown eyes blinking. She doesn’t seem affected at all, which makes me angry. How can she not be affected?
Anger is good. Anger helps me focus, helps me regain my professional calm.