Page 75 of Tangled Up

“You’re never going to lose me again.” A pretty smile breaks across her face, and I lean down to kiss that little dimple.

Worry tightens my throat, but I’m not waiting to confront my father. He’s got some answering to do, and now that I know the truth, he’s got a very precious item of my mother’s I want.

“You promise to be safe for me?”

She nods, swiping a finger across her chest. “Cross my heart and kiss my elbow.”

“I’ll be back in less than twenty-four hours.”



“She did not walk in on you in bed with Beck.” Jessica is talking too loud in the bread aisle.

We’re in the small Safeway just inside the tourist section of Eden by the Sea, because my bestie says they have the best specialty meat selection.

“We weren’t doing it.” I watch as she puts three packages of Conecuh County sausage in her basket. “Lord, how much sausage do you need?”

“Not as much as you!” My bestie snorts, and I roll my eyes.

“I literally fell out of the bed.” I start to laugh as well. “She said she could see his big feet.Feet. She literally said that before leaving.”

“I’m sure she saw something big. I bet your boy Beck was sporting some serious morning wood.” Jessica’s voice carries, and a woman frowns at us.

“He was not!” I slap her arm and shush her, smiling at another woman giving us the stink-eye while a toddler plays in her buggy. Lowering my voice, I lean closer. “We’d just done it a few hours before, so he was satisfied.”

My friend’s eyebrows shoot to her scalp, and she nods gleefully. “I’m so happy you’re getting your pipes snaked regularly.”

“Would you stop it?” I cringe at her ridiculous metaphor.

“I’m trying not to offend delicate ears.” She waves at the old ladies clutching their purses, then she grabs my arm. “I can’t believe my dream is coming true. Mrs. Garvey and Daigle, here we come.”

I shake my head. “We haven’t made it that far yet.”

“I give it two weeks.”

“Well, look who’s buying toilet paper!” We both jump a foot in the air, turning to see a guy with oversized glasses, a gold chain, and a comb-over smiling up at us.

“Wait…” My friend points down at him. “I know you. Milton Banks?”

“Guilty!” The guy waggles his eyebrows, and I think I’m going to gag. “You’re Caroline Dennison. I think we shared a drink at the Hermit Crab a few weeks ago.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” My brow lowers, and I slant my eye at my friend.

“Hey, Milt. I think you’re violating the rules of Hookup for Love.” Jessica arches an eyebrow. “Aren’t you supposed to wait for the lady to respond before showing up at the bar?”

“I just triangulated her location and put my mojo to work. It’s scientific!” He leans in closer. “What do you say, Caroline? Be my sweetie?”

I look down at the poor guy whose head only reaches my armpit. “I’ve already got a sweetie, Milton. I’m sorry.”

His brow lowers, and his mouth cocks in disgust. “You could have put that on your profile when I contacted you two weeks ago.”

“I didn’t know you contacted me. I haven’t used the app in months. Anyway, I didn’t know you were going to show up in my hometown!” I’m about to get defensive, but Jessica catches my arm, stepping between me and my stalker.

“Look here, Milt.” She leans closer, putting her nose right at his. “You’re a stalker, and I could have you arrested. Do you know the penalty for sexual harassment?”

Poor Milton steps away from the force of my bestie. “I’m not harassing! I thought she was pretty. I only wanted to get to know her better.”