Page 39 of Run Baby Run

Chapter Fifteen


We don’t have to wait long for an opportunity to break the news to Mary. She invites us over for dinner the next day.

Pulling up to her house, I’m nervous, but Jonah’s petrified. He loves his sister. Her respect and admiration mean a lot to him, and we both know how this looks. He squeezes my hand and gifts me a reassuring smile. He’s trying so hard to be the strong Daddy figure, but he clearly needs my strength today as much as I need his.

“It’s going to be okay,” I tell him.

He strokes my knuckles. “I hope so, angel.”

Mary greets us at the door, pulling Jonah into a hug and smiling warmly at me.

“It’s so good to see you both,” she says. “How’re you doing, Teagan?”

“Good, thanks.” I hand her the fruit salad I made this morning. “How are you?”

She does a double take, like she’s not sure if she heard right.

“I’m great,” she says. “Psyched to finally have you over. I hope you brought your swimsuit because the pool is nice and warm today.”

Jonah mentioned this morning that Mary and her husband have a pool, so we ran out after lunch to pick me up a suit. The innocent shopping trip may or may not have evolved into a naughty fashion show in the outlet store’s dressing room...

Mary shows me where the bathroom’s located so I can change. Back in the kitchen, she introduces me to her oldest daughter, Sienna.

“I like your tattoo,” Sienna says.

I smile. “Thank you.”

“Sounds like you’ve got a potential customer,” Jonah says.

Mary groans. “Please, don’t encourage her. She’s already talking about getting her learner’s permit.”

“I’m almost fourteen,” Sienna says.

“Then you have plenty of time to come up with a design.” Jonah pats his niece on the head. She swats at him playfully. “Maybe by then, Teagan will have her own shop, and she can do it for you.”

“How is your apprenticeship going?” Mary asks, handing me a glass of lemonade.

“Really well,” I say. “I’ve been practicing on these silicone mats, but Raven’s going to let me practice on her pretty soon. Just simple stuff at first, outlines and blocks of color, but it’s something.”

“That’s awesome,” Mary says. “Maybe Jonah will volunteer to be your first victim.”

He flashes me a knowing smile. “I’d be honored.”

We all head outside. Mary’s husband Kurt waves to us from behind the grill. Their youngest daughter, Poppy, squeals and scurries up to Jonah, who spins her in the air a few times before setting her back down. She pushes him with all her might toward the pool. He pretends to teeter off balance and then jumps in, making a huge splash that Poppy finds very entertaining.

“He’s going to be the world’s best dad someday,” Mary says.

My hand instinctively rubs my stomach. I nod, stealing glances at Jonah over the rim of my glass of lemonade. Mary’s right, of course. Sometimes I still can’t believe this big, strong papa bear is going to be my baby’s father. He or she is going to be the luckiest kid in the world.

Half an hour later, we all sit down at the patio table for a dinner of hot dogs and cheeseburgers with oven-baked fries. Just like at Jonah’s barbecue a few weeks back, I’m struck by how readily Mary’s family has accepted me as one of their own.

“Let me help you with that,” Jonah says, taking the pan from Mary that recently held a mountain of burgers and dogs. I grab the salad bowls as Sienna and Poppy take care of the individual plates and silverware. Kurt gets to work cleaning the grill, while the rest of us file into the kitchen to begin packing away leftovers.

“It physically pains me the way your husband overcooks hot dogs,” Jonah grumbles.

“He got food poisoning from a bad bratwurst in college,” Mary says. “It scarred him for life.”

I chuckle to myself. I’m just about to close the container on the fruit salad when a wave of nausea rolls through me. I sway in place, gripping the edge of the counter, and force myself to breathe through my nose.

“Teagan, are you all right?” Mary asks.

Jonah rushes to my side.

“You good?” he asks. I nod. Before either of us has even registered his hand pressed to my belly, Mary clears her throat.

“Girls,” she says, not taking her eyes off the two of us. “Go outside and help your dad with the grill.”

Poppy and Sienna share loaded glances before heading out to the patio. Jonah drapes his arm around my shoulder and stands up straight.

This is it. It’s time to tell her.

Mary points to the kitchen table. “Sit down.”

The three of us take our seats, Jonah and I on one side, and Mary seated across from us. The look on her face is a mashup of fear and suspicion.