Page 33 of Run Baby Run

“I don’t know how.”

“Nobody does until they have kids. But I saw you at the barbecue. You’re a natural, Teagan.”

I shake my head. “You’re the natural. You’re the perfect dad, and you don’t even have kids yet.”

His smile is tinged with sadness. “I have you, princess. You’re my little girl, but you’re also a grown up, and the great thing about being a grown up is that you get to make your own choices. You get to choose how you’re gonna live, and who you’re gonna love. You get to choose your family.”

He takes a breath, like he’s gearing up to reach inside himself and pull out something he doesn’t show people often.

“Mary and I lost our parents pretty young,” he says. “Our dad died of stomach cancer when I was nineteen and then our mom suffered a stroke the year I graduated college. We were on our own, technically speaking, but we had others around us. Extended family and friends. We opened ourselves up to support from all sides, and it came pouring in. We built a new family of our choosing. And I’d like, more than anything, to make you a part of that family, angel.”

I tuck my face into the angle of his neck and shoulder, wanting desperately to believe him. It’s not that I think he’s lying. Jonah’s a good man, and meeting him is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. But I know from experience that I always fuck things up. My last foster mom called me a bad seed from a bad tree after I got so enraged that I chucked a rock through her kitchen window. That’s how it always goes. People give me a chance, and things go okay for a while, but then something happens and I get so mad that I explode.

But everything feels different now that I’ve met Jonah. I haven’t felt the urge to break things, or become so swollen with anger that I had to lash out. No matter what kind of seed I am, he makes me feel like I could grow into something beautiful. His love is purifying, like a long hot shower after you've been wearing the same clothes and sleeping on the ground for a week.

Maybe now that I know what it feels like to be loved, I could learn to love someone else. Not just our baby, but Jonah’s family, too. It’s not like the few disparate members of my own family would miss me. All my uncle ever seems to want from me is money. He says my dad is excited to meet me, so why hasn’t he called me himself?

This connection I have with Jonah is stronger than anything I feel for my own relatives. What if he and I could build a better family than the one I grew up in?

A real family, with parents who love their kids and stick by them no matter what.

“I’d love to be part of your family.” I loop my arms around his neck and climb onto his lap to kiss him. My tattoo stings a bit as he pulls me close but I don’t mind the ache.

I want to be close to him, even if it hurts.

His erection prods my bottom through his jeans. I gasp. “Daddy, you’re hard.”

“Can’t be helped, angel. I’m always hard when I’m around you.”

My face heats up. “Always?”

He grinds against me through our clothes.

“Always,” he growls.

I close my eyes and imagine him thrusting inside me, buried deep, filling me up with life and love and desire.

I can do this. With Jonah by my side, I can do anything.

“Let’s go make a baby, Daddy.”

Chapter Thirteen


There’s just one stop we need to make before I take my sweet little Teagan home and pump her tight, pink pussy full of baby-making juice. The thought of her carrying my child has my cock aching. Thank fucking god I’m wearing a long tee shirt because where we’re going, I can’t afford to be putting any eyes out.

“A toy store?” Teagan tilts her head. “Daddy, I told you, I don’t need any more presents.”

“Nobody needs presents.” I hold the door open for her to pass through. “They want presents, and even fewer deserve presents. But you, sweetheart, deserve to live like a princess, and a princess can have anything she wants.”

I’ve been in here once before, when I bought Teagan the giant bunny rabbit, so I don’t waste time trying to figure out which section we need. There’ll be plenty of time to take her shopping and spoil her rotten, the way those miserable fucks she calls parents should have done.

Listening to her talk about her parents was the most painful, rage-inducing experience of my fucking life. Worse than my own parents’ passing. Worse than getting shot and learning to walk again. I kept my cool because she needed comfort, but every muscle in my body was tensing for a fight. If I ever get my hands on her sorry excuse for a father, he’s gonna deeply regret leaving her in that shithole with his junkie wife.