Page 56 of Hear No Evil

“It was pure evil. At first, when I had moved out, he kept calling me, asking for forgiveness. Once he realized it wasn’t working, he then started threatening me. He said he’d hurt my parents, too. By this point, my parents were working out their differences and were involved in the situation. My father has a friend who’s in law enforcement. He told him what was going on, and Master got a visit, so he backed off. Then, a year or so after that, he messaged me online. I wasn’t using my real name on there, so I don’t know how he found me, but he did. I blocked him, but right before I did, I noticed he was married to some woman, and it looked like he had a son now, too. A couple years passed, and he messaged me again, from a different profile.

“A real stalker.”

“Yup. This time, I saw photos of him leading some church and wearing all of these strange, gaudy outfits. He had all of these women around him, too. Women he was calling his wives. It was peculiar and disturbing. In this message to me, he was talking about how I was the one he loved the most. That I should have been the ‘head wife.’ That he knows he messed up with me, because he didn’t allow me to grow and have any breathing room, but he forgives me, too, for leaving the way I did. He was talking about how proud he was of me regarding my education, and that he’d been checking up on me. He knew some of my friends’ names, and my boyfriend at the time, too. Axel, I felt sick to my stomach. I asked him to leave me alone. I told him I’d moved on and was in a committed relationship. He said it didn’t matter because I belonged to him, and always would.”

“Two words. Restraining order?”

“Several attempts. He didn’t have an address at one point, and no job, so he couldn’t be served. Finally, I got one served to him. Then, for many years, I didn’t hear a word from him. For some reason, he has started contacting me again.”

“Did you tell the police that he’s back?”

“No, because at one point they weren’t much help. It’s like he basically has to kill me in order for them to do anything about this. I even spoke to his ex-wife a long time ago, and he harassed her for a long time too, but left her alone eventually. But me? No such luck. He is still running that cult, too, from my understanding. Master key devotees. He’s had people over the years try to email me on his behalf. A bunch of lunatics. I used to block his various numbers but stopped because I wanted a paper trail. Proof of him calling and harassing me.”

“Two more words. Smith and Wesson.”

“Oh baby, you already know it. I have a gun now.” She got up, walked across the room, and opened up her nightstand drawer. She removed a revolver, held it high so he could see, then placed it back inside the dresser.

When she returned to him, she was wringing her hands, and looked mentally exhausted.

Oh, he’s going to get his. I promise you that.

“We’re done with this conversation, baby. At least for now. I came over here to have a good time with you, and that’s what we’re going to do. Let’s watch a movie. Something funny. I make some amazing popcorn. I know how to do it on the stove. I’ll teach you if you don’t know.”

“But all I have here at the house is microwave popcorn. I don’t have any kernels or—”

“I brought it over myself. It’s in the truck. You weren’t the only one thinking ahead.” He went out of the house, pulled a backpack from his truck, and returned to her. She was standing in the middle of her bedroom, and he could tell she’d been crying those few minutes he was gone. He opened the backpack, pulled out a canister of popcorn oil, kernels, some cheesy DVD movies he figured she’d like, and two wine coolers.

“I told you, wasn’t nobody but Jesus stopping me from getting to you tonight.”

Her eyes lit up and she wrapped her arms around him, buried her face between his neck and shoulder, and squeezed tight.

He kissed the top of her head and squeezed her right back.

Just you wait and see, 800.

Chapter Eleven

…Several days later

Mama placed the silver gift-wrapped box in the middle of the dining room table, then sat down with a glass of ice water garnished with a slice of lime. The house was full of people there to celebrate Mama’s birthday, and her sisters and brothers were making the most ruckus of all. Uncle Bruce sported a dated beige suit that was two sizes too small, while Aunt Tasha had her ample bosom on full display, and smelled like vintage Charlie perfume. Uncle Jerold wore a ridiculous gray handlebar mustache, Aunt Georgia looked demure and studious in thick-rimmed navy glasses, plain powder blue A-Line skirt, and button-up cardigan. Finally, great-aunt Beverly, who could barely hear but always pretended she could, was chastising anyone who suggested she get a hearing aid.