Page 119 of Hear No Evil

“Legend, I made a promise to Ms. Florence. I told you mine was to confront my father, and actually listen to what he had to say. To try and work on my relationship with him. She said I’d never be able to listen to him when he was ready to talk, because I was too busy being angry, and that my anger was louder than my healing. So, it couldn’t happen because I was comfortable in my anger. I knew my anger was the truth, when really, it was a lie, too. It represented disappointment, hurt, pain.

“She was right. It sounded like some psychobabble at the time, but now I know she was dead on. She said I was going to repeat Tommy’s same patterns if I didn’t address this, and she wanted better for me. I did go through a brief period when I was drinkin’ too much. I didn’t have any kids to neglect and lie to, so there’s that, but good thing I didn’t.” He shrugged his shoulders and brought his beer to his lips for a taste. “So, what was your promise to Ms. Florence?”

The band began to play again, this time a cover of ‘Pistol Packin’ Mama,’ by Willie Nelson.

Legend slipped a cigar from his coat, snatched Axel’s lighter from the bar counter, and lit it. He puffed on it a few good times, until he was framed by a halo of haze.

“I’m not conversing about this. I’m not talkin’ about this shit. Not today. Not tomorrow. Ms. Florence knew what my problem was, and I made that promise to her under duress. My favorite teacher was dyin’… the only adult at the time in this whole fuckin’ town who gave a damn about me. Now that I’m an adult, I’d rather be haunted by her for the rest of my life than go back there and talk about things I can’t change. It’s over. I’m done with it. Drop it.”

The man meant every word, and as they sat together in silence, Axel realized that whatever Legend was holding in had to be so overwhelming, he couldn’t admit it to his best friend, even if he wanted to. This thing had the power to destroy him. Perhaps it already was.

As the band began to play “Ring of Fire,’ by Johnny Cash, he thought about how they hadn’t discussed the ‘clean up’ job of Master. These things happened, and were not to be talked about afterwards. They had an understanding. Their brotherhood renewed. Legend’s promise to Ms. Florence, however, would not go away easily. He, too, tried to ignore the nagging feelings, the bad dreams, and paranormal experiences.

I imagine, Ms. Florence, Legend will be a special case. If I knew you well, he thinks he can just walk away from this, but you won’t let it happen. Promises were just that to you. You never broke a promise to us. You meant what you said.

“They’re playin’ Johnny Cash,” Legend stated as he bobbed his head. “My grandfather loved Johnny Cash.”

“Did you know his first wife was Black? That was illegal back then.”

“Nah, I didn’t know that.” He took another gulp of his beer.

Guess who told me that?” Axel chuckled.

“Little Ms. Know-It-All, the book lady… my future sister-in-law,” Legend snorted. “Mmmm, that’s good. I wonder how he pulled that shit off?” He drew on his cigar.

“He claimed her as White, even went on record sayin’ it. Maybe he thought she was,” he shrugged, “But when I saw a picture of the lady English showed me, it was obvious she had some Black in her. I’m no expert, but I could just tell. Her features, you know? He got into it with the KKK about it and everything.”

“Ain’t that some shit? I’m not into music like that, but I can appreciate the talent, you know?” Axel nodded. “Cash was gifted, no doubt. They couldn’t let the man just live his life. Messin’ with him about his ol’ lady.” He tapped his fingers against the bar, and shook his head. “My mama only dated Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Mexicans. Basically, if you were Hispanic, you were on her radar, but Black and White dudes need not apply.” He shrugged. “She is White as hell, blonde and blue-eyed, got my freckles from her, but that’s what she wanted. That was her thing,” He blew out a ring of smoke. “People like what they like, and that’s their business.”

“Life is too short to worry about who other people love.” He waved the bartender over for another round of beers. “Legend, one more thing before you get so intoxicated, I have to haul you out of here in a wheelbarrow.” Axel grinned.

“What is it now?”

Axel dragged his phone out of his pocket, and pulled up an article dated two days prior.

“Read that.”

He handed Legend the phone, and the man’s eyes scanned the lines, showing no reaction. He casually handed the phone back, and polished off his beer.