Page 29 of Black Ice

The thing hunkered down again. Having had enough, she began yelling and screaming while tooting the horn, over and over. “GO AWAY!”

The beast turned and moved away, but then returned seconds later, as if playing peek-a-boo with her.

“I should’ve kept my Black ass in the city! Now I’m out here dealing with lions, tigers, and bears! Was it worth it, Kim, huh?! You wanted a fresh start! Well, they’ll find your fresh remains in the mornin’!”

Just then, two bright lights approached from behind, the vision stark in the rear-view mirror, and she hoped and prayed it was Jack. Hell, it didn’t matter who it was. Jill could be with him, fetching a pail of water for all she cared, just as long as they had weapons for murdering whatever was lurking around, trying to get a hold of some human cuisine. She could hear someone get out of the car, but it was difficult to make out who it was.

She jumped in her seat when a gun went off, and the two glowing eyes retreated into darkness as soon as the bullet flew in the air. Before she knew it, a flashlight blinded her, and Jack soon became visible with a slick smirk on his face.

“Oh, thank God!” She flung the door open, almost hitting him in the process had he not moved back, and practically leapt into his arms. She imagined it may have looked like she was trying to climb him and hang on tight, but she’d never been so happy to see someone else in all of her life. “There was something out in the woods. So glad you saw it, too, and shot your gun… I assume that’s why you shot your gun. And let me tell you, I feel like I’ve been here for a million years! Thank you, you found me!” She couldn’t stop the rambling. “Are you going to dig me out? My wheels are just spinning, but I can—”

“No, no, slow down.” He laughed. “Yeah, I saw your little visitor, so I gave him a warnin’ shot to go on about his way.”

“What was it?”

“Oh, just a grizzly bear.”

“What do you mean, ‘just a grizzly bear?!’ Oh my God!” She pulled back from him and flopped against her car.

“Relax. He wasn’t interested in hurtin’ you. If he was, he would’ve come on right up to the car. They’re usually around outside in these parts from dawn to dusk, so he was probably just passing through, on his way home. I think he was more curious than anything else.”

“Oh, really? How can you be so sure? Do you speak grizzly-ese?” She put her hand on her hip, her emotions overflowing. “Did Goldilocks teach you their language over porridge that was too hot, a chair that was too small, and a bed that was just right? You have no idea what was going on his mind, Jack. That’s how accidents happen. People underestimate these things. No offense, but especially White people. You don’t respect these creatures – think you can make them docile. That’s how y’all end up on the evening news.”

“Underestimate these things? I’m not the one who went the wrong way on a dead-end road, has a tree down in front of her car and has no idea where the hell she is because she thought she knew better than an Alaskan hunter and park ranger with over twenty years of service who told you not to take the back roads. So… I think I know enough.”

His words stabbed her pride like a dart hitting the bullseye.

All she could do was stand there, feeling wounded.

“You’re right. I’m sorry for being a smart ass about it. It’s just been eerie out here, and I was thinking of all these awful scenarios. Bad stuff that could happen.”

Jack checked her car tires, waving a flashlight on them.

“We’re going to leave your car here today and deal with this tomorrow. I’ll bring the snow blower and get your car out of here then.”

“You’re driving me home?”

“Too dangerous to chance trying to get you home tonight. You’re closer to my house than yours. You’ll ride back with me. I’m really supposed to use a dog sled when we have weather like this, but I didn’t have time. I chanced it with my Tahoe. It had more gas than the Silverado.” He glanced around them for a spell, taking stock of their surroundings. “We better hurry. The roads won’t be passable at all in a bit, Tahoe or not.”

“Are you sure my car will be okay here?”

“Your car will be fine.” She sighed, sat down in the driver’s seat, then turned the engine off. “Get anything you need out of there, including anything that has a smell, like food, and just in case someone comes across your car later tonight or tomorrow morning, place this sign against the window.”