Page 125 of Black Ice

The crowd erupted in laughter, and Jack cracked a smile.

“But I did. All jokes aside. I fell in love with you…And… it’s the most… the most wonderful time of my life. Being with you, Jack, has proven that love has no limits.” Her voice trembled, so she paused once again. This time, Jack leaned forward, wiped her tears away, and kissed her forehead. “I have been looking forward to this day. I am honored to be your best friend, your lover, and your wife.”

She cleared her throat and faced Askuwheteau.

“Jack, I understand you have some words, too?” Askuwheteau offered.

Jack nodded, much to her surprise.

None of this was planned in our rehearsal. What in the world is this man up to?

“This won’t be long.”

“That’s what she said!” one of his cousins yelled, causing a hysterical ruckus.

“Kimberly, the first time I saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Through mere chance, we became more acquainted and what started off as a little crush grew to unimaginable love. When I realized I had fallen in love with you, I had to take some time and process that. I don’t like not being in control of my life, of my feelings… but when you love someone, and you give yourself to them, openly and honestly, that’s what you must do. You have to let go and let God, as they say.”

Murmurs of assent rose from the crowd.

“I just, uh… just want to tell you that today, you’ve made me so happy. I can honestly say that besides the birth of my son, Chad, getting married to you is one of the happiest days of my life. Right here, right now. I thought about how people, including me, say, ‘I fell in love.’ Well, really, I didn’t fall anywhere. I was standing up and saw it happening. I wasn’t running. I wasn’t hiding. I had to stand there, and deal with it. My desire to build a life with you was stronger than my desire to escape for fear that if I loved someone too hard again, they’d disappear.”

A tear cascaded down his cheek. “I was determined to stand there… in plain view, and so were you. You taught me to believe in the unseen. To hear the silent prayers, and to dance without music. Not physically, but here,” he tapped his chest, right over his heart. “There’s nothing that beats the feeling of turning that key, opening the door, walking in, and knowing that you’re here. You’ve turned this house into a home. This tomb into a temple. I built a castle with no queen. Now, that’s over with. She’s here, wearing her crown, and I will make sure that you always feel respected and cherished. I’m your king, and I love you. You don’t mean the world to me because you are my world. Nobody on this planet compares to you.”

Jack blinked several times and then faced Askuwheteau again.

Kim glanced over her shoulder and noticed all of the people in the audience with tissues in their hands and solemn faces. Her heart raced and her body yearned for the man beside her. They reached for each other’s hand, their fingertips dancing lightly against one another’s—a delicate, child-like flirtation.

Askuwheteau instructed them to step closer to one another. He placed one hand on Kim’s shoulder, and the other on Jack’s, then instructed them to exchange rings. Kim turned to her Maid of Honor, took the wedding band she’d picked out for Jack, and slid it down his finger. Jack took the wedding band he’d selected for her from his brother’s grasp and did the same.

“Since Jackson Eric Currant and Kimberly Marie Milton have grown in knowledge and love of one another, and because they have agreed in their desire to go forward in life together, seeking an even richer, deepening relationship, and because they have pledged to meet sorrow and joy as one family, we rejoice in recognizing them as Jackson and Kimberly Currant. You may seal your vows with a kiss.”

Jackson wrapped his arms around her waist and steered her close. When she felt his lips press against her own, she became putty in his hands. The deafening cheers made her smile as he broke their oral embrace and intertwined their fingers. The sun hit him just right, highlighting his eyes and hair. She reached for him again, but he took over. He squeezed her tight and gave her a passionate kiss she felt deep within her soul.

Amid the applause and noise, he whispered in her ear…

“I love you, not just for who you are, but for who I’ve become because of you…”


…Three years later

“Diesel went after another deer mouse again, chased it around the yard, and messed up the fencing around the tomatoes.” Jack huffed as he stormed into the garage, opening drawers, looking for his pliers. “Diesel, come here!”