Page 103 of Black Ice

“Okay is whatever you need it to be. Promise me something, baby. Please try to keep an open mind and let Walt and these professionals help you. They have experience.”

“Yeah? We’ll see. I’m not getting my hopes up. That’s the way the cookie crumbles. The very people that were supposed to protect and serve have declared war against me, but still don’t have the guts to tell me to my face that they’ve turned their back on this and dropped the ball. I’m just waiting for the speeding and parking tickets to come rolling in every time I get in my truck and pull off my property now. They’ll start slow and build up, no doubt.”

“Talk about passive aggressive…”

“Oh, check this out. The flyers I put up are already ripped back down. I bet they’ve got something to do with that, too.”

“Not at Gus’s. They are still there. Martha and I made sure of it.”

“Thank you. I’m not going to keep you. Just wanted to give you an update.”

“Okay, one more thing. Did the agent tell you about a plan going forward? All you told me is that they agree the police didn’t do a good job with the investigation, and that law enforcement has made you public enemy number one. What is he going to do personally, or is that top secret?”

“He assured me that he has a three-man task force he is in charge of now looking into this case. He reiterated that the police haven’t been helpful, but that it doesn’t matter either way. They’re investigating with or without their assistance.” He shrugged. “Like I said, we’ll see.”

“Jack, take his advice. Don’t go back to the police station causing a scene. That’s what they want you to do, so they can keep accusing you of being the problem. You’re making it easy for them to call you crazy.” Oh, but I am… and I can show them better than I can tell them. “You’ve assaulted an officer, cursed out everyone in a uniform, and Lord knows what else. Don’t give them any reason to lock you up. Besides, you already had to go to court and prove your innocence in that self-defense case all those years ago. Thank goodness Francesca was by your side during that time period and you weren’t alone. I don’t want to have to do the same for something else that isn’t your fault. Don’t give them any more ammunition.”

“Yeah… I hear you. I have to go. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Okay, baby. I love you.”

“I love you more.”

He disconnected the call and looked around the small room that he tried to spend the least amount of time in as possible. This was the place where the records were kept. A place where he’d retreat to in bad rainstorms, or to eat a fast lunch, and to get first aid materials and OTC medications for visitors who’d gotten too close to a hornet’s nest. Moving slowly, he stood and grabbed his satchel, slipping it over his shoulder, then made his way to the front door. He spotted his binoculars hanging on a hook nearby and picked those up, too. After locking up, he traveled to one of the more scenic and private trails of the park. Perhaps there’d be some black-capped chickadee birds to watch, high up in the trees…

Chapter Twenty-One

Kim was covered in sweat. The time she’d painstakingly taken flat-ironing her hair had been wasted as the exercise proved futile. Her curls were already popping out, her hair reverting to its natural state in spite of the heat she’d beaten them with earlier that morning.

She sat inside the tea shop, waiting for a woman who used to play peek-a-boo with her as a child, and chased her around their big apartment with a cute Tweety Bird puppet on her hand. A woman who’d taken a big city by storm with her mere smile and wit.

Kim folded her hands beneath her red clutch purse, dressed in a black blouse and skirt with matching red belt with a silver and leopard print buckle. Around her neck was a necklace Jack had given her—a ruby teardrop pendant hanging from a delicate silver chain. She took a deep breath and glanced at her hand, smiling at the large pear-shaped diamond she was certain had cost Jack an arm and a leg. It was absolutely stunning. The man apparently had clearly harbored another secret: he had impeccable taste when it came to quality jewelry pieces. The rock made her fingers look weighed down and small, just as she liked. She slipped her hand around her purse, squeezed it, then took a peek around the café.

It was a fairly new spot in town, and not very crowded at the moment. It smelled a little like new textbooks, fresh Colombian brew, and lemons. Her simple white teacup had the imprint of her mahogany lipstick on the rim. As she reached for her napkin to wipe it clean, she heard the front door open, and the bell chiming.