Page 71 of Black Ice

She gradually opened her eyes, clutched the sides of the tub, and sat up, then crisscrossed her arms over her chest. Taking a ceramic bowl, he ran warm water in it, then slowly poured it over her, from the shoulders down. The water looked almost like honey as it reflected against her skin.

“Stand up. Let’s get you out of there.”

She got to her feet, and he eased her out of the tub. Patting her dry with a soft towel, he wrapped it around her body and led her to the master suite where she sat on the edge of his bed, looking a bit tired. Poking the fire in the bedroom, he lit a candle, then pulled out a pair of clippers and metal file from a drawer. He got down on the floor before her and grabbed her foot.

“What are you doing?”

“Cutting your toenails. They’re too long.”

“I can bathe myself and cut my own nails. I’m not Diesel,” she teased with a chuckle and a wink. “Where is he anyway?”

“He’s right outside the door…”

She leaned forward, craning her neck to see, and out in the darkness were two glowing eyes staring back at them.

“I didn’t even hear him. Spooky.”

“He was right outside the bathroom, too. He knows how to keep quiet. He’s becoming well trained faster than I imagined.”

“So, you’re keeping him?” He rested the heel of her foot against his upper thigh and got to work.

“Yes. For now.”

Kim looked out in the direction of the hall again, then back at him.

“Can he come in?”

“He’s only allowed in this room if I tell him he can come. He knows that now. The house is not a free roam. Some places he can’t go into as he pleases.”

“So, he’ll just wait there until you call him in?”

“Mmm hmmm.”

“What about if I call him in?”

“He won’t come.”

Kim began to swing her other leg, clearly letting out nervous, anxious energy.

“Stop moving,” he ordered.

Her movements halted, but her sexiness only increased.

Every time she wiggled, he got a glimpse of the dark chocolate valley between her legs. A smattering of black pubic hair glistened with moisture. His dick throbbed painfully, desperately wishing to slip inside that sweet, hot slit of hers. Yet, he resisted turning her around, bending her over and fucking her good and hard. She wasn’t in a good head space for such things.

“Diesel!” she called out. He tightened his grip around her ankle as they both peered out the doorway. Nothing. She shot him a smirk. The wolf whimpered but kept his post. “Come here, boy!” She now paired the words with a fast clapping of her hands.

Again, nothing happened. Two gleaming eyes glowed like lanterns. One could hear the creature licking his lips. Perhaps feeling sorry for itself no doubt. Nonetheless, Diesel stayed put.

“I knew you were going to challenge what I told you.” He grabbed the file and began shaping the big toenail.

“I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.”

“So, you’re not afraid of him?”

She glanced back out into the hall, then down at him.

“I am still a little afraid of him, but not as much now. He’s… I don’t know. Never mind. It sounds stupid.”

He tossed the clippings into the nearby small trashcan, then proceeded to take care of the other foot.

“What sounds stupid?”

She sighed and started swinging her free leg.

“Stop fidgeting. You’re always moving.”

“Something about him reminds me of you. It’s weird.” He paused, head cocked, and regarded her face.

“You came to my house with a basket. Now I’m the wolf, huh?”

“See?” She laughed. “I knew you’d think it was stupid.”

“I didn’t say it was stupid.”

“He’s got the will to survive, it seems. Maybe that’s what I’m sensing. He’s got a big presence, and yet, he seems eager to earn trust. He seems protective of you, too.” She looked back towards the doorway. “Call him in here.”

He turned towards the bedroom door.

“Diesel!” The animal immediately came trouncing into the room. “Sit.”

The creature obeyed. Moments later, he handed her the bottle of lotion she requested, and an oversized t-shirt along with boxer shorts. As she moisturized herself and worked on getting the clothing to fit somehow, he turned on the television, and handed her the remote. They’d planned to drive into town and catch a movie, but it was more than obvious that staying in for the night, for some peace and quiet, was a better plan.

“I’m going downstairs to fix us a bite to eat.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“You’re going to eat a little something. Come on, Diesel.”

As he was walking out of the room, she flopped the sheets back and burrowed beneath them, covered from head to toe. He made his way to the first floor and checked the pantry. Nah, no cans of soup. I’ll make something else. After filling up Diesel’s bowl and refreshing his water, he let the beast out into the back to roam and relieve himself. Then, he decided to make them a couple of sandwiches. Nothin’ fancy—ham, turkey, Swiss, lettuce, and mustard. He peeked out the kitchen window and spotted Diesel sniffing the base of a tree. Deciding to make something else, he put a couple potatoes on the stove to boil, then grabbed his phone. Kim had played that voicemail, and he’d memorized the number.