Chapter 14

PIG’S BLOOD?” SAIDJamison as they drove down the street.

“Just a shot in the dark. Let’s see how it plays out.”

“You didn’t tell me you met with John Baron last night.”

“Well, now you know.”

“What was he like?”

“Tall, lean, thick graying hair, in his fifties. Good-looking guy. Elegant,like a movie star or model. And erudite, with a formal way of speaking. But he’s handy with a quip. And even though the punks were a lot younger than he was, it looks like he tagged a couple of them before they got the upper hand. So the guy can fight.”

“He was really attacked at the bar?”

“Three idiots who apparently have a grudge against the Barons.”

“Well, if Lassiteris any indication, the whole town seems to hold a grudge. Do you really think their surname isBaron? That seems coincidental.”

“I really haven’t looked into that, nor do I care,” replied Decker.

“Do you actually believe Baron’s involved in the murders?”

“I have no idea. But when I asked him if he knew any of the vics, I didn’t believe his answer.”


“My gut.”

“Well, your gut has proven pretty accurate.”

“Good thing, since I have such a big one.”

“Pretty fast with a quip yourself. So where to?”

“Joyce Tanner’s place. We’ll take them one at a time.”


Joyce Tanner’s “place” was a basement apartment in a rickety wooden building that looked as thougha strong gust of wind might bring it down.

Green had provided Decker with a key.

“Surprised Green and Lassiter didn’t insist on coming,” observed Jamison as they gazed around the small front room.

“As Green not so subtly intimated, I think they’re disappointed we haven’t already solved it. I don’t think they want to waste any more time with us. And Lassiter didn’teven want us involved in the first place.”

“That may have changed. I seemed to connect with her. But, boy, she really doesn’t like the Baron family.”

“Based on what I saw last night, I doubt you’d find many here that do like the past or present Barons. There were about twenty people in the bar last night and not one of them did anything to help the guy. Didn’t even take outtheir phones to call the cops.” He paused. “Except for the bartender. She seemed to like him. And he definitely liked her.”

“Place looks pretty tidy,” noted Jamison, gazing around.

“They’ve already dusted for prints, so no need for latex gloves. Let’s get to it.”


“Not much here,” opined Jamison after they finished searching.“I wonder what will happen to her personal belongings?”