Page 71 of The Duke's Embrace

When she entered Thorne’s office, the man stood up from behind his desk, papers strewn across it. How he managed to find anything was a mystery. He spoke as he rummaged through the pages.

“Well, Miss Crestwood, you’ll be happy to know we’ve made a little progress. From the additional information you gave us, my men have narrowed down the area in which to search for Mr. Herr. But if a man doesn’t want to be found, he probably won’t be. We can only hope he doesn’t know we are looking for him.”

Tabitha told him there may be additional help coming from Sir Darnley, but she wasn’t sure when as he was currently unavailable. Thorne thanked her and assured her he would notify her the moment they found anything.

There was nothing left to do. She had exhausted all the contacts she had. Now it was back to waiting.

While Tabitha ate breakfast the next day, she received a letter from Lady Holcombe inviting her to dine with her that evening.

“Mother, the dowager Duchess of Holcombe has invited me for dinner tonight. I suppose she is lonely with the duke still at his country estate. May I go?”

Tabitha’s mother put her fork down. “Of course, my dear. I’m sure she will tell the duke what a great companion you have been during his absence.”

Tabitha gave a small smile as a reply.

“What’s the matter, my dear? You have been glum these last few days.”

“I’m just saddened that the Duke has not returned. I have been enjoying his company so much lately that it’s rather boring without him.”

Her mother grinned. “Well, when he returns you must make it up to him. I could tell from his last visit that he has quite the affection for you. Hopefully that will not have dwindled when he returns.”

“I hope so too, Mother.” Shaking off her dark mood, Tabitha forced a smile.

They moved on to other topics, or rather, her mother did. She rambled on about the new dress patterns she’d seen in her fashion magazines and the horrid hat that Lady Bryton had worn to tea the other day. Tabitha only half listened, her thoughts elsewhere.

The rest of the day passed until it was time for Tabitha to leave for her dinner engagement. The carriage ride was brief, with few people out that night. It started to rain, and the wind picked up.

As she descended from the carriage, her skirts got caught up in the wind. Tabitha gripped her hat as she hurried to the front door and knocked. The butler greeted her warmly and told her she was to go to the study first.

Puzzled, she followed the butler to the door. Tabitha stepped past him and watched him shut the door. She turned her attention back to the room and was startled to see Andrew standing next to the fireplace.


Andrew watched her enter the room. An instant shot of lust raced through him. Tabitha was as beautiful as ever, but he noticed the lines of worry wrinkling her brows and dark circles under her eyes. Had she lost sleep because of him? Andrew hated to think his problems had caused her so much distress. That was the last thing he’d wanted to do. He’d never wanted Tabitha involved, but the more he had dug for evidence regarding his brother’s death—and with the news he had received today—she was involved whether or not he wanted her to be.

He had asked his grandmother to write the note asking Tabitha to join her for dinner. The deception was necessary to keep everyone safe. Seeing her now, Andrew’s heart swelled with love for the woman who stood before him. She still hadn’t spoken, but Andrew was certain he would get a tongue lashing once she came to her senses. For now, he needed to touch her, to kiss her, because it had been too long.

It only took a few strides for Andrew to cross the room, and wrap Tabitha in his embrace, crushing his mouth hungrily against hers.

He ravaged her mouth and ruthlessly entered with his tongue, devouring her, exploring every crevice, as if for the first time. The thought of Tabitha was the only reason he kept fighting. If he didn’t have her, then he had nothing.

Tabitha readily welcomed his embrace, greedily accepting his tongue, giving as much as she took. The heavenly scent of lilacs filled Andrew’s nostrils, reassuring him that this was no dream, like the ones he’d had so often since leaving his love. Tabitha clung to him, as if afraid he would leave again. Andrew growled possessively as he cupped her bottom, pulling her pelvis against his erection. If there weren’t more pressing issues, he’d have taken her then and there on the library floor.

The couple was so lost in their own world that it took a second for Andrew to register a noise in the background. It was someone clearing his throat.

Bloody hell!

He tore his mouth away from Tabitha’s and turned toward the doorway where Phillip, Ethan, Hugh, and Sir Darnley stood.

“Sorry, chap. I thought we’d given you two enough time before we came in.”

Andrew could have throttled Phillip Crestwood. The men knew he had wanted a few minutes alone with Tabitha before they all came in. But it would take longer than mere minutes for him to finish with Tabitha. Their reunion would have to wait until later.

Nevertheless, he gave Phillip an annoyed look. Overall, Andrew liked the young man. Besides being Tabitha’s twin brother, Phillip was a brave man to risk his life on his missions abroad for Sir Darnley’s agency. He had a keen intelligence and quick wit that Andrew liked. The men had gotten acquainted during the short time they’d been together.

Andrew had been at his estate, ensconced with his solicitor, trying to gather evidence to help his case when he had received a letter from Thorne. They had not found Randolph Herr but may be closing in.

The futility of his predicament annoyed Andrew to no end. It was ridiculous that he had to stay hidden, self-imprisoned, like he was guilty. He was a duke, one of the highest peers in the country, and he’d be damned if he sat around any longer. He had to return to London.