Page 69 of The Duke's Embrace

At those words, Tabitha stilled, her blood turning ice cold. She didn’t know what they were speaking about, but she knew it spelled trouble for her.

Fearing for her safety, Tabitha struggled against the man’s hold, trying to free herself. His grip was like a vise around her arm and wouldn’t budge. Going back to her earlier idea, she opened her mouth to scream when his filthy hand covered her mouth.

Her captor laughed and shook his head. “Now, don’t spoil our fun, miss. I didn’t get to deliver the message yet, and you wouldn’t want me to get in trouble, would you?”

The villain didn’t say another word but instead drew his hand back, as if getting ready to strike. Fear froze Tabitha to the spot. She closed her eyes and braced for what was to come.

As she stood there, eyes closed, she heard a noise from behind her, a shout. She opened her eyes just in time to see two blurry figures rush by her and tackle the two men to the ground. The four figures fought and punched on the ground in a dark mass.

Tabitha came to her senses enough to turn around to run when she hit a broad chest. She looked up to a pair of deep green eyes that she wouldn’t mistake anywhere.



Phillip grabbed Tabitha by the arms to steady her, then pushed her behind him, shielding his sister from the fight as his comrades made quick work of the two assailants.

When the fight ended, her two attackers were sent running as fast as they could down the street. Phillip’s friends had broad grins on their faces, as if they’d enjoyed the throttling they’d just given the ruffians.

Tabitha was still trying to process everything when she said the first thing that came to her mind. “Why did you let them go?”

The taller of the two men, whom she recognized as Lord Ethan Norris, one of Phillip’s oldest friends, laughed at her question. “Don’t worry, Tabby. They were just hired muscle. Believe me, they won’t be bothering you any time soon, now that they know they have to answer to us.”

“Ah, yes, nothing like coming home to a good street brawl to let you know you’re in London,” said the other man, Lord Hugh Fitzsimmons.

Phillip chuckled at his two friends. Hearing his laugh made Tabitha turn her attention to her twin brother.

“What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean? I’ve returned from my trip. Is there a problem with me coming home?”

“Didn’t you receive Sir Darnley’s note at the safe house?”

At the mention of Sir Darnley and the safe house, Phillip narrowed his gaze in suspicion. “How do you know about those things, Tabby? What the bloody hell has been going on? And why were you attacked in the middle of the street?”

“It’s a long story, but Sir Darnley will explain it to you tomorrow. Did you get his letter?”

Phillip laughed at his sister’s persistence. “Yes. I received a note that said to stay at the house until further instructed. He didn’t mention why, so I thought it would be safe enough to see my family under the cover of night. It’s a good thing I did. Lord knows what would have happened to you.”

“Yes, it was lucky you came when you did. But for now, we must get out of the street. We can’t risk you being spotted.”

“Very well.” He started towards their home when Tabitha stopped him. “No, Phillip. You can’t. Someone may be watching the house. You must hide.”

“Since when is my sister so concerned about my welfare? What’s going on?” Phillip’s tone showed his growing agitation.

“I’ll tell you everything if you go back to the safe house.”

Phillip shook his head. “This is ridiculous. We are going home, and you will tell us what’s going on. Ethan and Hugh will be with us, and it's only two houses from here. There is nothing to worry about.”

His tone said there would be no argument, so Tabitha quickened her pace. The less time they spent out in the open where they could be seen, the better. They snuck in through the servants’ entrance and went straight into their father’s library. Hopefully their parents wouldn’t return for a while.

The three men poured themselves a drink and settled down to listen to Tabitha’s tale. All the while, Tabitha paced the floor, driven to distraction by their nonchalant attitude.

Once they settled in, Tabitha told them everything that had happened since they had left, including her meeting with Lord Vance and his accusations against Phillip. She recounted how she’d gone to his house and seen the supposed incriminating documents. As Tabitha continued, her voice faltered, not sure how to get around the fact that Lord Vance had attacked her.

When she tried to speak, Phillip put his hand out to stop her. “Wait a minute, Tabby, you’re stuttering. I can’t understand you. After you saw the documents about me, Lord Vance put them away in his desk. You tried to make him drink the sleeping draught, but he didn’t take it. Then what happened?”

“Well, you see, he started coming toward me, and I tried to get away. I kept trying to avoid his advances, but the door was locked, so I tried the door to the terrace, but it was also locked, and he grabbed me and...”