Page 49 of The Duke's Embrace

A servant answered the door and led Tabitha into what appeared to be the library. The door closed, making her jump with a start as her nerves were already on edge.

Tabitha glanced around, and her eyes fell on Lord Vance, seated behind his large expanse of a desk on the opposite side of the room. He was smoking a cigar, looking like the cat who ate the canary. Unfortunately, she was the canary. But this bird had some tricks up her sleeve. Squaring her shoulders, Tabitha walked across the carpeted floor to the desk and spoke with more confidence than she really had.

“Well, I’m here, as agreed. Now, show me the documents regarding my brother.” Her voice broke at the mention of Phillip, but she kept her eyes fixed on Lord Vance, not wanting to show her apprehension. No doubt the man fed on fear.

Lord Vance rose from behind the desk and stalked toward her. “My dear, it is not that easy. I’m not going to just hand you those documents before I receive payment. How do I know you don’t have a small gun in that reticule of yours? No, Miss Crestwood, I’m afraid we need to conduct the other part of our business transaction before I give you access to those documents.”

At his statement, Tabitha’s eyes grew wide with fright. This wasn’t what she had planned. She had to think of a way to get those papers without getting into that odious man’s clutches.

Think, Tabitha. You’re smarter than this.

Frantically, Tabitha tried to think of another way to get around Vance’s request. Then it came to her. She met Vance’s arrogant stare and sneered.

“How do I even know you have the documents? I need some proof before I just give myself to you. I’m not so naïve as to not at least verify their existence and examine their contents—their so-called implication of Phillip—before moving forward with our arrangement.”

Tabitha hoped the statement would speak to the businessman in him. She waited with bated breath, anxious that Vance would call her bluff and demand her body as payment before showing the papers.

The gentleman made a short grunt. Tabitha wasn’t sure if it was of displeasure or amusement. “You are more clever than I thought. You would make a shrewd businesswoman, my dear.” He went back to his desk, opened a drawer, and pulled out a sheaf of papers bound in a leather portfolio.

“Here is your evidence. Have a look at it, and then we will get started.” Tabitha took the papers and perused them as Lord Vance unknotted his necktie. “You can see for yourself. It states that your brother is part of a conspiracy with his friends to trade secrets with our enemies. I have only to give those to the minister of defense and your brother and his band of misfits will be wanted men. And you know the punishment for treason.”

Tabitha’s hands trembled. On paper, the accusations appeared to be true. But Tabitha couldn’t believe her brother was guilty. She continued to read at the documents until Lord Vance ripped them out of her hands and placed them back in the drawer.

Now that she knew the location of the papers, she just had to dose Vance with the valerian powder. She spun around as if in shock at what she had read, but was searching around to see if there was a sideboard.

Luckily, there was a table in the corner with glasses and wine. She went over to pour herself a drink, letting him see her hands shaking. Tabitha dropped her reticule, as if by accident, and as she picked it up, removed the pouch of valerian.

“You don’t mind if I have a drink to steady my nerves, do you? Understand, discovering that your brother is a traitor to the crown isn’t something one is ready to admit.” She poured two glasses of wine.

“Of course not, my dear. It must be terribly disappointing to know the brother you love is a traitor to the crown.”

Lord Vance made his way over. Tabitha quickly emptied the valerian into the wineglass and turned just as he came up behind her. With a glass in each hand, Tabitha offered the drugged one to her companion. She put her glass up in a salute and took a sip.

Lord Vance put the glass to his lips but stopped before he drank.Does he know I put something in his wine?The gentleman returned to his desk and set the glass down. Her heart nearly beat out of her chest as Vance came up to her. Tabitha had to tamp down the powerful urge to flee. If she left, it would seal Phillip’s fate.

“Now, my dear, I hope your nerves are better settled so that we may begin. I plan on having my fun with youall night.” He stood in front of Tabitha, who was frozen with panic.

Don’t just stand there. Do something!

Yes, she had to get him to drink the wine. Quickly dodging around him, Tabitha picked up the wineglass and offered it to him. “Well, shouldn’t we first toast to a night of amusement?” She handed him the glass, but he took it and placed it back on the table.

“I don’t want wine tonight. I’m going to need all my wits about me so that I may thoroughly enjoy this.”

Tabitha backed up until she hit the wall. Lord Vance advanced on her, removing his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt.

“I’ve waited a long time for this, Miss Crestwood. You won’t get away from me again.”

The evil glint in his eyes was the only warning Tabitha had before he lunged for her. She darted away before he caught her. The devilish grin on his face made him seem possessed. Vance spun around to find Tabitha at the door, trying desperately to escape.

He chuckled. “It is locked, my dear, and the servants are under strict orders to not unlock it under any circumstances unlessIgive the order. The only way you get out is by my leave. Now, we can do this the hard way, which is my favorite, or the easy way. The choice is yours. Either way, you will feel my prick inside you before the end of the night.”

Tabitha’s stomach rolled in protest at Lord Vance’s vulgar description. She was trapped. Tabitha had to find another way out—or fight for as long as she could until Lord Vance gave up. Unfortunately, from the contorted smile of delight on the scoundrel’s face, the chase was half the fun. He seemed to get some demented delight in seeing her fear.

With a quick glance, Tabitha surveyed the room and saw a set of doors leading to a patio. If she could get to the doors, perhaps she could escape. If the doors were locked, she’d break them if she had to. Quickly calculating the best course, she sprinted to the other side of a sofa separating them. As she passed the sofa, Lord Vance launched himself over to grab her, but Tabitha was just out of his reach.

She made it to the doors but found them locked as well. As she desperately tried the door handle, she heard his maniacal laugh just behind her. Before she knew what was happening, her body was slammed against the glass door, briefly knocking the wind out of her. It was all Lord Vance needed to grab her hands and place them behind her back at an angle that made her give a startled cry.

His breath was warm against her ear as he spoke. “Now you are mine, you little bitch, and you will finally pay for the insult you inflicted when you ran away. No one humiliates me and gets away with it.”