Page 26 of The Duke's Embrace

They finished the dance in silence. By the end, Tabitha had relaxed a little, but she was still on edge.

“I see your father over there.” Andrew motioned to his right. “Shall I escort you over to him?”

“Yes, thank you.” She gave a weak smile.

She put her hand on Andrew’s arm. When they got to Lord Bedford, Andrew made a bow.

“Good evening, my lord.”

“Your Grace. I see you have become reacquainted with my daughter.”

“I have indeed, sir. She has not changed.”

Lord Bedford chuckled. “I’m not sure her mother would be happy to hear that compliment.”

A hint of laughter bubbled from Tabitha’s lips at the jab. Andrew raised an eyebrow at her. “It was a pleasure making your reacquaintance, sir. Miss Crestwood, thank you for the dance.”

“Thank you, Your Grace.” Tabitha did a small curtsey.

Regretfully, Andrew left the father and daughter and went straight to the smoking room to get a large drink. That hadn’t gone the way he’d planned, but at least he would see Tabitha tomorrow.

* * *

By ten forty-fivethe next day, Andrew had worn a path along the south end of the duck pond in Hyde Park from his pacing. His palms were sweaty, and he couldn’t stop fidgeting with his collar. Lord, he was like some young buck waiting for his sweetheart. But he wasn’t young. At nearly thirty, he knew his way around the bedroom, and Tabitha was not his sweetheart, merely a temporary addiction that he had to get out of his system. Once she told him what had spooked her last night at the ball.

Thankfully, it was early for most of the upper class, who were no doubt still abed from the late hours at the ball. Andrew considered it a blessing. Fewer prying eyes.

A nearby clock struck eleven. Andrew stopped pacing and turned in a circle, searching for Tabitha.

Where the devil is she?

Perhaps she had changed her mind. Andrew shook his head. No, she was merely late. Then, as if conjured from his mind, he saw a lone figure walking toward him. It was a woman. He could make out her dress, a dull brown color, that wouldn’t attract much attention. It must be Tabitha.

The figure came into focus, and it was her. He let out a breath as he walked up to her.

“Thank you for meeting me.”

“My aunt was still asleep, so it wasn’t difficult.”

He offered his arm, which she accepted. Andrew led her around the pond to a path that went under the cover of some trees. When he saw there was no one around, he stopped and faced Tabitha. The sight of her made his heart constrict. For a moment, he didn’t know what to say.

Am I losing my mind over a woman?

Tabitha wrinkled her brow, prompting him to speak.

“I want to apologize for how I acted the other night in the garden. I shouldn’t have raised my voice and been rude. Will you forgive me?”

Tabitha put a hand on his chest, right over his racing heart. Could she feel it?

“You have nothing to apologize for. I was the one throwing accusations at you. You had every right to be upset. To tell you the truth, I’m ashamed of myself.” She lowered her head.

Andrew put a finger under her chin, raising her head to meet his gaze. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“But it is just as you said, I did not have all the facts.” This time Tabitha put her other hand on his chest.

Without thinking, Andrew circled his arms around her waist.

“I should have asked you about the rumors instead of making assumptions like everyone else.”