Page 25 of The Duke's Embrace

What is she hiding?

“Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked.

“I am, thank you.”

“Are you sure?” Andrew arched a brow.

“I don’t know what you mean, sir.”

“A few moments ago, you looked to be in distress. Therefore, I wasn’t sure if you were enjoying your evening.”

Tabitha swallowed, glancing both ways, as if making sure no one was watching them. “It is merely the excitement of the ball, Your Grace.”

“Then perhaps you could stand a little more excitement.” He closed the distance between them. “Dance with me, Tabitha.”

Just saying her name out loud made his cock stir to life. He needed to be near her, touch her. Andrew had always thought himself a man of patience, but it seemed Tabitha was the one woman he couldn’t wait to get his hands on. There had to be a way to get rid of this insatiable urge to be with her.

Perhaps if he just bedded her. Like scratching an itch. Once he had what he wanted, the urge would no longer be there. But how did one bed a woman like Tabitha Crestwood? She wouldn’t be so foolish as to put herself in such a position.

For now, it would have to wait. He wanted to find out what had upset her. Because no matter what Tabitha said, something was wrong. And that overwhelming compulsion to protect the young lady reared its head.

Without a word, Tabitha placed her hand in his outstretched hand. He grasped it, afraid she might change her mind and try to flee. The couple walked onto the dance floor.

Andrew noticed Tabitha glancing to her right every few steps. “Is something wrong?”

“My mother is watching us.”

A devilish grin crossed his face as he took Tabitha in his arms. “Then perhaps we should give her something to watch.”

He saw Tabitha’s bosom rise and fall, her breaths shallow. Lord, she was gorgeous. The gold specks in her eyes seemed to come alive against the reflection of the lights.

“Please behave... Andrew.”

“How can I behave when you call me by my name?” He pulled her closer. Too close for propriety.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so familiar with you.”

“My dear minx, I believe we are too late to worry about that.”

The orchestra started the next song, signaling the dancers to move in time with the rhythm. The couple said nothing at first. Tabitha was tense in his arms, her back ramrod straight. It didn’t miss Andrew’s attention that she was constantly scanning the room, as if looking for someone.

Was she searching for the person she’d been speaking to or someone else? A twinge of jealousy hit him when he thought of her with another man. But he doubted it was anything romantic from her expression. No, she was afraid. But of what? He needed answers. If Tabitha was in trouble, he wanted to help. Plus, it would give him a chance to also apologize for his behavior the last time they’d met.

“Can you meet me tomorrow?”

Tabitha turned her attention back to Andrew. “What?”

“Meet me tomorrow at Hyde Park by the duck pond at eleven.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“Please, Tabitha. I must speak with you.”

“I don’t think we should. People might talk.”

“Do you think I give a damn what people say? Look at what they say about me now. There isn’t much worse that they can whisper about me.”

At the mention of the rumors, Tabitha flushed. Probably recalling their last conversation. “Very well, I will meet you.”