Page 21 of The Duke's Embrace

The next morning, a light drizzly mist covered the ground. It was late summer, and the rain was a happy respite from the heat. Tabitha spent the morning writing letters, then rested in the afternoon, for they were to attend a dinner and card party that evening.

Since it was a smaller gathering, Tabitha wore a light pink dinner dress of Swiss muslin over a skirt with a matching heart-shaped basque waist. She kept her hair simple with no adornments.

When she and Aunt Caroline arrived at their hostess Lady Greenville’s home, there were tables set up in three rooms for the players. There was also a separate room where the men could enjoy cigars and brandy.

A light supper was served before the guests took their places at the card tables. There were more people present than Tabitha had assumed. She wasn’t sure she’d seen who all was in attendance.

Tabitha’s table comprised her aunt and two older ladies who were entertaining enough by themselves. They were widowed sisters who lived together, and their only goal in life was to see their granddaughters all settled with wealthy husbands. Tabitha giggled when she heard some antics they’d come up with to snag the unsuspecting bachelors.

“Well, if you ask me, I think we need to aim higher, Bernadette. Our Louisa there is a fine flower and would adorn any man’s arm quite well,” the older of the two ladies, Lady Mary North, said to her sister.

Her sister, Lady Whyte replied. “You are quite right, Mary. Louisa is the prettiest and brightest, so we should set our sights on finding her a husband first. One of high social standing, then her sisters and cousins will have greater reach. It will benefit all. But I can’t think of anyone worthy of our Louisa.”

Lady North replied with a sly smile. “I know the perfect man. The Duke of Holcombe.”

At the mention of the duke, Tabitha nearly dropped her cards. She quickly regained her composure and took her turn, trying not to seem too interested in the conversation.

Keep your eyes on the cards and hold your tongue.

“Why, Mary, you know the rumors. How could you wed sweet Louisa to a man who might be a murderer?”

“Because all she need do is get married and bear an heir, then the magistrate may do with the duke as he wishes. She’s a smart girl and will understand her duty, plus, she will be a duchess and have all the privileges that come with the title,” Lady North smugly replied to her sister.

Tabitha paid little attention after that, embarrassed to hear them talk of Holcombe like he was some monster one step away from going to Newgate. On the outside, Tabitha remained calm, but inside, her throat burned from keeping down the words she wished to throw at the conniving ladies.

They were fools to think Holcombe would be so easily swayed by a pretty face. He required more in a woman. Didn’t he? From their conversations, Holcombe seemed to prefer a woman with brains, sensible and not flighty. Perhaps she was wrong. Had he just said those compliments to her so she would lower her guard enough to allow him to kiss her? Tabitha rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on.

Tabitha laid her cards on the table. “I’m going to get some air. I’ll be back in a few minutes, Aunt.”

“Don’t be too long.”

Tabitha left the room and followed the hall to the set of doors leading out to the veranda. The cool summer breeze brushed across her face, soothing her frayed nerves. The headache improved, but it was still there when she thought about Holcombe with another woman. Tabitha shook her head. Her mind refused to forget the man. It wasn’t likely that many people would forget the duke after meeting him.

Really, it was absurd how quickly the gentleman had taken root in her life. Did he matter that much to her? Was it possible to feel so strongly about a person after only knowing them for such a brief time?

It didn’t matter. If nothing else, she had to apologize to the duke for what she’d said. The next time she saw him, she would try to have a private word with him. And hopefully, it wouldn’t end in another clandestine kiss. Any more of those, and Tabitha couldn’t be responsible for her actions.

After a few more minutes, Tabitha returned inside. She was halfway down the hallway when a hand snaked out to grab her, drawing her into a small alcove, shielded from view. Tabitha let out an exclamation of shock when she realized the person with their hand on her was Lord Vance. An icy wave of panic crept up her spine. She had not seen him since the night of the ball when she had left two years ago.

Tabitha tried to pull out of his grasp, but he wouldn’t have it. The man’s hold tightened.

“Hello, my dear. It’s so nice to see you again. I hope you had a pleasant holiday abroad.” His words dripped with venomous sarcasm.

“Take your hands off me, sir, before I call someone,” Tabitha responded with rising alarm. There was no telling what he might do. She could yell for help. But then the guests would find her in a dark corner with a married man and think the worst of her. No matter what, it was always the woman’s fault somehow. They would accuse her of luring him.

Just remain calm.

Lord Vance wore a smile of triumph on his face as he saw realization cross her features. He had all the time in the world with her. Tabitha was at his mercy.

“Fear not, Miss Crestwood, I only want a little of your time, and then I shall release you.”

She stared at him with a mix of defiance and unease.

“I hear your brother Phillip has left for the continent again.”

Tabitha frowned. What interest did Lord Vance have in Phillip’s affairs abroad?

“What of it, sir? He wants to see the world before the weight of his responsibilities rest fully on his shoulders.” She tried to wiggle free, but again, he refused to relent.