Page 3 of The Duke's Embrace

Besides, he’d heard the same story before: parents arrange a marriage and girl protests, but in the end, she does as she is told. Most marriages among the gentry were done this way. Andrew figured this would be his lot at some point, but as the second son of a duke, he had time.

But he couldn’t help the twinge of pity he had for the lady, especially if her parents wanted her married to Vance. The man was a brute without a decent bone in his body. He’d made it clear on the few occasions Andrew had seen the older gentleman in the gaming halls that a wife was for one thing only: to be ridden hard until she produced an heir, else she be discarded.

Andrew knew what fate lay in store for Miss Crestwood. Marriage to Lord Vance would break her spirit. The spark of life in her eyes would fade until there was nothing but an empty void. The idea made his chest ache to the point Andrew almost rubbed the spot.

This is nonsense.

He shouldn’t feel anything. Hell, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d cared about anything or anybody if it didn’t benefit him in some way. What was it about Miss Crestwood that intrigued him? It mattered not. He had to leave.

“If you would please excuse me, Miss Crestwood, I will take my leave. It wouldn’t be proper for your mother to return and find me here with you... alone.” As Andrew went to pass, she placed her hand on his arm to stop him.

The heat of her touch burned through his clothes like a branding iron. He pulled his arm away quickly, as if she’d singed him.

“My lord, you heard my argument with my mother. Can you help me?”

“What do you think that I, an intruder on this conversation, can do? I won’t marry you. I’m not interested in being trapped by some chit.”

The lady inhaled sharply, the corners of her mouth turned down. “I am not one of those silly girls who throws themselves at a man. For your information, I already have a plan in place to rectify my current situation.”

Andrew returned her stare. “And what would that be? Run away from home like some spoiled brat until she gets her way?” He’d hoped to make Miss Crestwood angry enough to leave him alone, but it didn’t work.

“In a way, yes, I will leave, but I’m not running away. I will go to my aunt’s home. My mother does not understand that I want more in life than just marriage. I yearn to be free to travel, to do what I please, and not be the possession of a man who only sees me as useful for giving him progeny.”

Andrew laughed. The lady certainly had progressive ideas, but he knew it would all be in vain. No one could run forever. He’d tried.

“My dear lady, you are living in the wrong times. Although not all men think like Lord Vance, you are a woman and have little say in the matter. I sympathize with your plight. Lord Vance is not a man I would let my own sister marry. He is an arrogant, cruel man, and a lovely flower like yourself would wilt under his care.”

Andrew moved toward her, his gaze locked on those stormy gray eyes. He could get lost in their depths if he wasn’t careful. As he drew closer, the green specks seemed to dance about as her orbs grew wider at his approach.

He gently took a lock of her hair, which must have fallen out during the evening’s dancing, and held it between his fingers. Suddenly, he wondered what she would look like with her hair undone, cascading over her shoulders. Andrew was lost in his thoughts when Miss Crestwood responded.

“If you really feel that way, you can help me.”

“How?” he asked, still holding the tendrils in his hand.

“I plan to go to a friend’s house tonight. She lives on Mulberry Street. I’ve arranged to take a carriage tomorrow morning north to my aunt’s house, but I don’t have transportation to my friend’s home. I was going to walk, but if you want to be of service, I could use an escort.”

Andrew chuckled. If the lady knew his reputation, she would think twice about asking for his assistance. Who wanted help from a gambler and a womanizer?

A glance at his companion told Andrew she was serious. The desperation so clearly etched on her face made that spot in the middle of his chest throb again. Somehow, within the span of a few minutes of meeting the spirited Miss Crestwood, Andrew was considering taking up the role of knight errant. A title he never would have given himself, nor would have wanted, until this moment. Something about the woman stirred a longing within him. A longing to matter to someone.

This was madness. The young lady’s scheme would fail. He was sure of it. And yet, what could it hurt to help?

Who knows? It might do me some good.

Besides, what else was he going to do tonight, but perhaps visit a brothel. This might be more exciting. Andrew contemplated the proposal for a moment more, then answered, “Very well, I will provide you transportation and safe conduct to your friend’s home.”

She let out a sigh of relief.

“You are sure this is the right choice?” Andrew wanted to give her one last chance to change her mind.

“It’s the only way. Otherwise, my mother will have me engaged to Lord Vance before the week is out. If I can leave long enough for him to move his attentions to another lady, then I will be free.”

“Very well. What do you need me to do?”

“Meet me outside the house at midnight.”

“Won’t someone see you leave?”