Page 11 of The Duke's Embrace

Lord Bedford sat next to his daughter. “I assume you’ve already spoken with your mother.”

She kept silent.

“It did not go well, I take it?”

Tabitha took a sip of the brandy. The alcohol burned a path down her throat, giving her liquid courage to speak. “That would be an understatement, Papa. She’s still angry at me for not marrying Lord Vance. She said I’m ungrateful for not appreciating all she’s done for me. Ha! All she’s ever done is try to change me into someone I’m not. Why can’t she just accept who I am and appreciate me?”

“My dear, I fear I’m partially to blame. I encouraged you in your efforts. I wanted you to think for yourself, to be educated, inquisitive, independent, to better cope with life. But now I see it has only caused heartache.”

“No, Papa, you helped me. You are the only person who truly understands me. You taught me I have worth, at least to myself. Never blame yourself. I’ve always been grateful you took such an interest in me. Few fathers would do that for a daughter.”

Lord Bedford took one of her hands in his. “You are my greatest joy, my love. Never forget it.”

Tabitha threw her arms around her father’s neck, happy to have such a wonderful man in her life.

“I love you, Papa.”

He patted her back. “Yes, well, we are still in a pickle with your mother. Are you staying at your aunt’s house?”


“Then it would be best for you to stay there for the time being. Anything you need, just have the shops put it on my account. You are my daughter no matter what, and I will continue to provide for you. I may stop over in the next few days and talk to Caroline about all this as well. But chin up. Once you have beaus again, I’m sure your mother will forget this whole thing and find another suitor to sink her teeth into.”

Lord Bedford kissed the top of his daughter’s head. They talked for a while longer until he escorted her back to his sister’s home, promising to stop by later in the week.

Tabitha spent the rest of the day collecting her thoughts. She walked in the park, staying away from any areas where she might see someone of her acquaintance. After the argument with her mother, she was not in the mood to converse with anyone.

That evening, Aunt Caroline informed her they were invited to a musical recital later in the week, so they would need to purchase Tabitha a new dress. The following day was spent shopping and answering other invitations, which had come in now that it was known they were in residence.

Tabitha spent an afternoon with her friend, Fiona Ramsey, who had been kind enough to write during Tabitha’s absence.

“I’m so happy you’ve finally returned. It was dreadfully boring without you,” her friend said as they sat down in the Ramsey’s parlor.

Fiona and Tabitha had been friends for over ten years. There wasn’t much Tabitha did not tell her dearest friend. Up to that point, the only thing she’d kept from Fiona was the midnight kiss she’d shared with Lord Claridge. A brief image of the lord popped into Tabitha’s mind, but she shook her head. She really had to stop thinking about the man at odd times like this.

“Tell me about your travels.” Fiona’s question broke through Tabitha’s musings.

They spent the afternoon regaling each other with stories of their lives since they’d last met. Of the two of them, Tabitha had always been the adventurous one, and Fiona had gladly tagged along.

Fiona, like Tabitha, was unmarried, but only because her parents allowed their daughter to wait until she was ready to wed. Lord Ramsey was a baron and had made a considerable fortune investing in the railroad, which made Fiona a wealthy heiress. Her parents were a love match, and they wanted their only child to be just as happy as they were.

“There is something I didn’t tell you in my letters, because I wanted to wait until I saw you in person,” Fiona said.

“What is it?”

“I’m engaged!”

Tabitha was stunned for a moment. “To whom?”

“Do you remember in my letters that I mentioned Henry Robertson?”

“Yes. You met him at a party, I believe?”

“At my cousin’s birthday party, yes. They are good friends.” Fiona blushed. “I didn’t want to say much to you until I knew better myself, but Henry and I formed quite an attachment.”

Tabitha smiled. “And he proposed?”

“Two weeks ago. Are you happy for me?”