Page 8 of The Duke's Embrace

What was she doing? Standing in the street in the middle of the night, kissing a man who was practically a stranger to her. It was most untoward. She should put a stop to it once. But when Tabitha felt his tongue gently probe her lips, all thoughts of stopping vanished from her mind. She had never responded to a man like this, wanting him to touch her, kiss her, do other things that she’d only read about.

Wait, didn’t she have somewhere she needed to be? Yes, she was at Fiona’s house. Suddenly, everything came back into focus. She couldn’t let her freedom, her chance of adventure, be jeopardized by this interlude!

Tabitha broke the kiss, agonizing though it was. Even with the distance between them, the memory of his lips lingered. God help me, she thought, but I want more. With greater resolve than she thought possible, she stepped completely out of his embrace.

Breathless, she spoke. “My lord I’m sorry if. . .”

Lord Claridge put up his hand to silence her. “It is not your fault at all, dear lady.” His voice sounded unfamiliar, deeper. Had he been as affected as she? “I took advantage of the situation, but I have no regrets. I warned you before that I’m a scoundrel.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Now, if you would allow me to escort you to the door, I will see you safely in the care of your friend and take my leave.”

As he led Tabitha to the house, she wanted to turn to Lord Claridge and declare she had changed her mind, that she wanted to go with him. Already her body mourned the loss of his touch, and the throb in her most intimate area had not subsided. Tabitha had to fight the urge to put her arms around the man and demand another kiss. It was ridiculous, foolish, to think a man like Lord Claridge would find her desirable. He would probably forget about her the moment they parted ways. They arrived at the back door to Fiona’s house, and Tabitha gently knocked three times. A moment later, her friend opened the door.

“Tabitha, I was wondering if something had happened,” Fiona said.

“No, I just had to wait for the right moment to leave.” She turned to Lord Claridge. “Thank you, sir, for everything.” That was all she could say without her voice growing husky.

He bowed and kissed her hand. “The pleasure was all mine, Miss Crestwood.” With that, he turned and walked back to the carriage. Tabitha stood there until she heard the carriage leave, then entered the house.

Fiona closed the door and motioned for her to follow. They made their way up to Fiona’s chambers. When she had the door firmly closed, her friend turned to Tabitha. “Who was that? He is the most devilishly handsome man I have ever seen!”

Tabitha, who was removing her cloak, gave a small laugh.

“That is Lord Claridge. He came to my aid more than once tonight.”

Tabitha told Fiona of her evening, only omitting the kiss outside the carriage. That memory was for her alone to revisit later.

After relaying the story, Tabitha changed out of her ballgown and into a simple traveling dress. She would have to rise early tomorrow to catch the coach. Thankfully, Fiona’s parents were out for the evening, and her friend had feigned a headache to stay home. Tabitha would have to sneak out tomorrow without being seen by the house staff, but it shouldn’t be too difficult.

Tabitha lay on the couch in Fiona’s room, hoping to get some sleep before leaving, but it was useless. She was second-guessing her decision to leave. Perhaps she should have asked Lord Claridge to take her away, somewhere they could be alone.

She closed her eyes, remembering the way she’d felt in his arms, safe and secure. His embrace had been like nothing she had ever imagined. Who knew a mere kiss could be so powerful? Of course, Lord Claridge was a self-proclaimed scoundrel who obviously knew how to kiss a woman. He probably wouldn’t remember her come tomorrow. It was for the best. After all, the odds of her seeing the man ever again were slim.

In the morning, Tabitha and Fiona snuck to the private coach that was waiting to take her north to her aunt’s estate. Tabitha’s luggage had been delivered the day before. The private coach, though expensive, was the only way Tabitha knew to get away from the city without being noticed. Luckily, she had saved the allowance her father had given her. It would take a day’s ride to get to her aunt’s house.

At long last, she would be free. Hopefully her mother would not be terribly upset when she discovered her daughter’s absence. Tabitha had left a letter to be delivered to Lady Bedford in the morning, explaining where she had gone.

Tabitha hugged Fiona, then entered the coach. Along the way her thoughts were not of the terrible Lord Vance whom she was fleeing, but rather of the handsome lord who had shown her how a simple kiss could make even the most resolute person want to change their mind.


2years later


“Tabitha,my dear, do come down or we’ll be late,” her aunt called up the stairs to her. They were traveling to London today. Aunt Caroline’s son, Lord Hinley, was giving them the use of his townhouse since he was away. It would be Tabitha’s first time back in town since leaving two years ago. She was nervous and excited all at once. Would her mother see her?

When Lady Bedford had written to Tabitha within the first week of her leaving, her mother had demanded Tabitha return and marry Lord Vance. At one point, Tabitha had feared her mother would drag her back to London. Thankfully, Aunt Caroline had given Tabitha her full support in not returning, especially after hearing what had happened the night of the ball.

Aunt Caroline had always been understanding. She was so different from Tabitha’s mother, which was probably why Lady Bedford did not get along with her sister-in-law. Caroline had had an unhappy marriage but had been widowed by the time she was forty. Now, she was independent, which was why Tabitha was drawn to her aunt for support and guidance, both of which Tabitha had needed during the first weeks of her escape.

Even though Lady Bedford had practically disinherited her, Tabitha’s father had kept up a correspondence and sent money. He knew his wife would eventually forgive Tabitha, but it would take time. In the two years since she’d left, Tabitha had experienced the adventure she craved. The women had traveled to Paris, Italy, and even the United States. Phillip had visited them while they’d been in Paris. Tabitha had met new people and experienced things she’d never known possible. But eventually the novelty of travel had worn on her, and Tabitha had gotten homesick. Then, about two months ago, her father had written that Lord Vance had married some earl’s daughter with a large enough dowry to make him forget Tabitha.

After hearing the news, Aunt Caroline had suggested they return to London. Tabitha had agreed. She was ready to see her friends and family. Most particularly, she was curious to see if Lord Claridge would remember her if they met again. In her writings to Fiona, she hadn’t asked about him, not wanting her friend to draw any conclusions.

During her travels, Tabitha had met men of various ages, personalities, wealth, and nationalities, but none of them had held a candle to Lord Claridge. Tabitha told herself it was merely a girlish infatuation, but at times, she wondered what could have happened had she stayed in the carriage with him. Nothing good, that was certain.

I really must stop thinking about the man.

Tabitha chastised herself. Hadn’t she always said she wanted neither love nor marriage? Then why did her thoughts constantly wander back to Lord Claridge?