Page 66 of The Duke's Embrace

In the middle of the night, Tabitha was awakened by Andrew stroking her folds. They made love again, this time with a slow tenderness, memorizing each other’s bodies, while Andrew whispered sweet words into her ear as he brought her to the brink. They fell into a tangled mass of arms and legs and again slept until the morning.

Tabitha awoke to sunlight streaming through the curtains to announce the new day. She rolled over and saw Andrew, still asleep on his side, facing her. She smiled and thought how nice it would be to wake up every morning for the rest of her life to this sight. The lines of worry that had marred his features yesterday had disappeared. Andrew looked peaceful. As she lay there, she heard a soft tapping on the door. Not wanting to disturb Andrew, Tabitha grabbed his dressing gown before answering the knock.

She’d assumed it was George, come to check on them, so Tabitha opened the door wide. But it wasn’t George. It was Lady Holcombe. Tabitha stood there in stunned silence, unable to move. Her cheeks were as hot as pokers. Now she would be pronounced a trollop and thrown to the curb in disgrace for all to see. She was sure of it.

The dowager had a surprised expression on her face, but she quickly composed herself. Tabitha didn’t know what to say since it was obvious what had occurred between her and Andrew.

As the two women continued to stand in the doorway, the older woman finally spoke first. “Well, I assume Andrew is feeling better.”

Tabitha wasn’t sure if Lady Holcombe was being funny or serious. “Yes,” Tabitha replied. “He was drunk yesterday afternoon when I found him in the library, but he is feeling better.”

There was another long pause.

“Please madam, I must apologize for my state of undress. You must know I am not in any way trying to take advantage—” Lady Holcombe raised her hand to silence any further protest from Tabitha.

“Not another word, my dear. Do you really think I would accuse you of taking advantage of my grandson? Nonsense. I know you both have feelings for each other. In fact, I’m glad the two of you have finally come to the realization yourselves.”

A hint of a smile crossed Tabitha’s face at hearing those words. It felt like a weight was lifted, and the guilt at what they had done slowly dissipated.

“I will tell George to deliver breakfast to the room. Once you have eaten and dressed, then we will all have a talk.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Tabitha closed the door, then turned to see Andrew, propped up on one arm, grinning like a Cheshire cat, on the bed. Tabitha went over and slapped him playfully on the arm.

“Did you hear everything?”

“Yes, and I quite enjoyed just lying here and listening.”

“And what would you have done if your grandmother had wanted to throw me out?”

“I would have told her that’s not how you treat the future Duchess of Holcombe.”

Tabitha was about to reply with a sharp retort, but the words died on her lips as Andrew’s words sunk in.

Future duchess.

She looked at him, unsure if he was jesting. Her disbelief must have shown because he sat up, took her face between his hands and laid a long, loving kiss on her lips before resting his forehead against hers.

“You are the only good thing that has ever happened in my life, Tabitha. I don’t know what I did that led me to that library to find you that fateful night, but I thank God every day.” He placed her hand in his. “I want you to marry me and be my duchess, to have my children and to make me the happiest man in England. I don’t think there’s any way I can live without you. Please say yes.”

Tabitha sat there, listening to Andrew’s declaration of love and adoration, still not believing it was real. Surely she would wake up any minute from this dream. But the longer they sat there, it slowly dawned on her that this was not a dream. The warm hand enveloping hers was Andrew’s. The dark, stormy grey eyes filled with hope and love were looking at her.

She smiled at him, afraid that a few tears might break free, but was able to whisper. “Yes.”

Andrew laughed out loud, then kissed her again. Just at that moment, there was a knock at the door to signal breakfast. Andrew jumped from the bed, then grabbed another dressing gown before opening the door.

The couple ate in silence, just enjoying the intimacy of being together. They ate, dressed and were down in the sitting room within the hour. The trio were seated comfortably before the dowager began.

“I hope after this morning’s encounter there is some news you would like to tell me?” She put her teacup down and folded her hands in her lap, expectantly peering at her grandson.

“As a matter of fact, there is Gran.” Andrew grinned. “I have concluded that I must put the past behind me. After Miranda’s outburst the other night, I realize I will never be free of the shadow surrounding William’s death, but if I press on and carry the family name with honor and dignity, perhaps I can find a sense of peace.”

Lady Holcombe sat in silence, her only reaction to his statement an arched brow and pursed lips

“Oh,” he said, as if suddenly remembering something, “and Tabitha has agreed to marry me.”

Tabitha turned to Andrew, surprised he would announce it so abruptly, but apparently, it was what his grandmother had been waiting for. She leapt out of her chair to embrace Andrew, then Tabitha.