Page 52 of The Duke's Embrace

All he wanted to do was understand, to help, Christ, to do anything, but sit here in silence. Didn’t Tabitha realize he would do anything for her? At long last, she met Andrew’s stare and must have seen the hurt and disappointment shining in them, questioning her. It was the last straw for Tabitha’s nerves, and she started to shake. The tears flowed freely.

Andrew gently enfolded her in the protection of his embrace and just held her. He allowed the tears, anguish, fear, everything, to spill out until there was nothing left.

* * *

It was comfortingto be in Andrew’s embrace. She would never forget the moment she’d seen the glint of victory in Vance’s eyes, when he had been upon her. Then, like out of a fairy tale, her knight rescued her. But Tabitha knew he wanted answers.

She let herself enjoy the brief respite in Andrew’s embrace, because she knew once she told him what had happened, everything would change. There was no denying that he would be angry, but what she feared most was losing him. Even though she had been prepared to give him up, there had always been the lingering hope that Andrew would come back into her life. She was right. But would this escapade of hers be the final straw? Would she lose him forever?

And what about Phillip? All she had wanted to do was help him, but she had failed. Now Lord Vance would surely take the evidence he had to the authorities, and her brother would be imprisoned, possibly hung for treason.

Tabitha finally pulled away from Andrew to take a fortifying sip of the brandy. The warmth soothed her and instilled some liquid courage. She knew she wouldn’t be allowed to leave without giving Andrew an explanation.

Could she trust him? Of course she could. The man had proven himself more than once. She glanced into his green eyes, trying to see—what, she wasn’t sure, anything that would tell her there might still be a chance for them. Then Andrew leaned forward to place a soft kiss on her head. A sense of calm washed over her with the gesture. Yes, Andrew still cared for her, and she owed it to him to tell him the truth.

“I’m sorry for my outburst. Please forgive me.”

“It’s all right.” Tabitha shivered now that Andrew’s arms were no longer around her. “I don’t blame you for being angry.” She put her arms around her shoulders, trying to keep warm.

Andrew fetched a blanket from the other side of the room and draped it over Tabitha’s shoulders, reclaiming his seat next to her. She knew he was being patient, waiting for her to start. When she felt his large hand cover hers, Tabitha drew strength from the tender gesture and started her story.

“I was at a dinner party several weeks ago when Lord Vance confronted me. He accused my brother, Phillip, of being a traitor and a spy. Vance said he had documents to confirm this, and if I didn’t do what he asked, he would expose my brother.”

“What did he ask?”

Tabitha tread carefully with the next part. “He wanted me to meet him at his house. That night you saw me at the ball, when you asked if I was upset, I had just spoken to Vance and accepted his bargain.”

“And you didn’t tell me? Why, Tabby? And if not me, at least your father. One of us would have helped you.”

Tabitha shook her head as she rose and paced. “I thought of that, but I was afraid. I suspected Lord Vance had ill intentions toward me, given what I had done two years ago, but I thought I could handle it on my own. Besides, I had a plan to get the documents without having to... pay.”

“What plan?”

“I went to the apothecary and got a sleeping draught that I was going to put in his drink. He would just drift off to sleep, I would get the documents, Phillip would be safe, and no one would be the wiser.”

“But it didn’t go as planned, I take it?”

She shook her head. “Vance showed me the documents. They looked authentic. I poured us drinks and put the herbs in his glass, but at the last minute he put it down. He wanted to collect on his payment with a clear head...” Her voice drifted off before she could finish.

“What payment?” Andrew asked, narrowing his gaze.

Tabitha felt the rush of heat creep up her neck. Suddenly it felt like all the air had left the room.

“What payment?” he asked again, his voice louder, more insistent. Andrew cursed under his breath. “What payment, Tabitha?”

She bit her lip, ashamed to admit what she had been willing to sacrifice for her brother. After a minute, Tabitha saw a change in Andrew, a realization of her unspoken words.

He loosened his grip from her hand, leaning away from her. Was he disgusted? Upset? She waited for him to say something.

“Sweet Jesus.” He lowered his head into his hands, then wiped them down his face in disbelief. “You were going to give yourself to him to save your brother?”

She silently nodded.

“And what then? Do you think a man like Vance would just hand over the papers? He was lying to you, Tabitha. I’ve seen it before. Lie. Cheat. Vance would have done whatever he wanted to get his way.”

Tabitha raised her voice, the color returning to her cheeks. “What else was I to do? I hoped once he had what he wanted, he would just forget the entire ordeal. I knew it was a risk, but I had to, for Phillip.”

Andrew sprang from his seat. “And what about us? Did that night mean nothing to you? What, was it a rehearsal for your night with Lord Vance? A way to make sure you could satisfy him? Perhaps if you were good the first time he wouldn’t ask for a repeat performance?”