Page 45 of The Duke's Embrace

Curse Lord Vance and his dastardly scheme. Tabitha finally fell in love, not even looking for it, and the vile Vance would crush all her dreams. But she knew this was all her fault. If Tabitha hadn’t run away from her engagement to Vance, he wouldn’t be threatening Phillip now. So, it was up to her to fix things. Now all she had to do was wait for word from Lord Vance as to when the fateful night would be. The thought did nothing to settle her nerves, and it was hours until Tabitha fell asleep.


Andrew had spent two days cleaning up the aftermath of the warehouse fire. Luckily, no one had been hurt. When he’d first arrived at the docks, the smell of burnt wood hit his nose before he even saw the remains of the building. The last remnants of smoldering ash and smoke hung in the air. It had taken the workers almost a full day to get the flames extinguished.

The neighboring building was only charred with no major damage. Most of the contents of the warehouse were salvageable. Thankfully, the fire had occurred in an empty part of the warehouse, else the loss could have been substantial. Andrew had gone through the building with the manager and found nothing missing. No sign of arson. It must have been an accident, from the accounts given by the workers.

Now, Andrew sat in his office at his townhouse, satisfied after reviewing the estimate for the costs to repair the warehouse. Now that that problem was taken care of, Andrew could think about other things, namely the young lady who was never far from his mind.

It felt like forever since he had seen Tabitha, but it had only been two days. He could still smell her hair, a mixture of vanilla and lilies. The morning he had fetched her from the pond, some of her locks had fallen out of its confines. The tendrils had trailed down her neck, like fingers caressing the silken flesh. He had ached to replace those tendrils with his fingers or lips. To feel the softness of her body once again and hear the moans of ecstasy from her lips.

This was madness. No, it was love. Of that, he was certain. He had to see her again. Andrew had searched for her the previous night at the theater, but she had not attended. Perhaps it was time to pay her a call.

He ordered his carriage to be readied. The coachman drove him to her aunt’s house, where he was informed she no longer lived and had returned to her parents’ home. Andrew received the address from the butler.

The Viscount Bedford’s home was only a short distance farther, but when he called, Andrew was informed that the family was out, so he left his calling card.

Later that evening, he received a letter:

Your Grace,

I am sorry to have not been at home to receive your call. Since returning to my family’s home, I have been occupied with social obligations. At this time, I feel it is for the best that we do not see each other again. We both have duties we must fulfill, which are best done alone. Therefore, I respectfully ask that you not call or seek me out. I shall always remember you fondly for all the kindness you have shown me.


Tabitha Crestwood.

Andrew crumbledthe paper in anger, throwing it across the room. What the devil was she up to? Tabitha had seemed to enjoy their night together as much as he had. He drew his hands through his hair in frustration and cursed.

He had to speak with Tabitha and find out what was going on. What had he done to make her reject him? Had something happened since their return? Andrew would call on her tomorrow and get this whole mess sorted out. With that resolved, he went to the sideboard to pour a glass of brandy. He savored the burning path the spirit made on its way down until its warmth settled in his gut.

After he finished the first drink, Andrew poured himself another, then sat down in the leather chair facing the fire. Just as he had the last two evenings, Andrew replayed that night in his mind with Tabitha.

It had been beyond his wildest dreams. Until that night, Andrew hadn’t realized how deep his feelings for her ran. The revelation had shocked and delighted him. During their lovemaking, he’d made sure she had her pleasure—over and over again—before finding his own relief. Sitting there, Andrew could recall her little cries of delight as he stroked her mound, could still see her eyes glazed with desire, lips full from his kisses, legs spread in welcome for him.

His cock hardened at the memory. Andrew couldn’t let Tabitha go, not that easily. God damn it, he loved her. Somehow, the minx had quickly and completely taken his heart. He, who had always thought love a foolish sentiment. Now, he couldn’t imagine sharing his bed and his life with anyone but Tabitha.

The next day, Andrew called at the Bedford’s home and was again turned away. When asked when Tabitha would receive callers, the butler had replied he had not been informed and closed the door.

Andrew returned to the carriage with barely concealed animosity. The blood pounded in his ears. His hands itched to punch something, to take out his frustrations in the basest way. Something was going on. Why else would a young woman share a man’s bed and then act like nothing had happened, like he didn’t exist anymore? Tabitha had been quiet on their way back to London—even the morning he had fetched her from the pond, she had been distant. There was something distracting her, and he was going to find out what.

At a loss for what to do, Andrew directed the coachman to take him to his club. Perhaps the distraction would take his mind off things. When Andrew entered, there was a smattering of men in the large downstairs rooms. He nodded to his acquaintances, making directly for a chair in the room's corner. A footman offered him a drink, which Andrew gladly took.

“Well, if my eyes don’t deceive me, it’s the Duke of Holcombe.”

Andrew looked to his left to see Lionel coming from the adjoining room. “Hello, Lionel.”

Truth be told, Andrew was glad to see his friend. Mayhap he would have some advice.

“I thought you were in the country,” Lionel said as he pulled up a chair.

“I was, but there was a fire at one of my warehouses, and I had to return.”

“Everything fine?”

“No major losses.”

Lionel nodded, studying his friend. “And how is everything else? Any recent developments with yourotherproblem?” He raised a brow.