Page 42 of The Duke's Embrace

“Say it. I want to hear it from your lips.”

“I love you fucking me, Andrew.”

He dropped her legs, pulling her close as he plunged into her one last time, before letting out his own loud cry of completion. At the same time, Tabitha plunged into the sea of ecstasy as her canal spasmed around his cock and her body rippled from the intensity of their finale.

Andrew collapsed on top of her, and Tabitha relished the weight of his large body. Eventually, he rolled off but kept his arms around her, as if afraid to let her go. Tabitha laid her head on his chest, hearing the rapid beating of his heart against her hand. When she glanced up, she met Andrew’s stare.

“I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

She swallowed. “No. It was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. A wonder.”

Andrew smiled. “I’m glad to hear it.”

As they lay there, the reality of her situation gradually came crashing down on Tabitha. Being in Andrew’s arms had allowed her to forget, for those blissful moments, that she still had the harsh reality of Lord Vance’s threats to deal with. The thought brought a slight frown to her features, and she gently tried to roll away from Andrew, uneasy that he would notice.

The guilt had set in once again. She had known it would be heartbreaking to leave Andrew, but she had to—her brother’s life depended on it. But something told Tabitha the duke would not take the rejection easily. Hopefully, she could find a solution to that problem, but for now, it would have to wait.

Andrew got out of bed and went to the washbasin to fetch a cloth. The only sound was the crackling of the fire and the splash of water as he dipped the cloth in the basin. Andrew was unabashed in his nakedness as he returned to sit next to her.

“Do you wish to clean yourself, or may I do the honors?”

Tabitha nodded, and he gently cleaned between her legs. The couple kept silent as he washed first her, then himself, before discarding the cloth. Then, Andrew slid back into bed and drew Tabitha against him, her back resting against his broad chest, enfolded in his arms.

Andrew kissed the top of her head and gave her a slight squeeze. “You haven’t said much. I’ve rarely known you at a loss for words. What are you thinking?” He put a hand over the area of her heart.

Curse the man for being so sensitive, so attentive. It would have been easier if he had rolled over and fallen to sleep or shown some indifference to her. Instead, he was acting the attentive lover, making sure she was happy.

Tabitha turned her head the best she could to respond. “I’m thinking that I shall remember this night for the rest of my life.” It wasn’t a lie.

“So shall I, love.”

They said nothing further. Tabitha yawned and let the oblivion of sleep take her. There would be time enough tomorrow to deal with the repercussions of what they’d done. For now, she would allow herself a few more blissful hours in Andrew’s arms before doing the most difficult thing she would ever have to do: leave him.


Andrew was dreaming of Tabitha. She was on top of him, her long auburn locks falling over her shoulders, her breasts rocking up and down with the rhythm of their fierce love making. Her lips were parted in a silent moan. It was a glorious picture. But as he took Tabitha to the brink, a strange noise sounded.

In the dream, Andrew tried to ignore it, but the sound grew louder, more persistent. The image of Tabitha faded as the noise intensified, until Andrew opened his eyes. The rays of the sun filtered through the window so intensely that Andrew threw his arm over his eyes.

Knock. Knock.

There was that noise again. Only this time, Andrew realized it was someone at the door.


It was his valet, George.

“I’m sorry to wake you, Your Grace. I looked in on you earlier, and you were asleep. Her Grace inquired about you, and when I told her you were still abed, she said to let you be.”

As George rambled on in his apology, Andrew recalled the events from the previous night.Tabitha!He looked on the other side of the bed, but it was empty. When had she left?

The valet was still speaking when Andrew put his hand up to silence him. Still trying to get his bearings, Andrew took a calming breath before speaking.

“It’s all right, George. I should be up anyway, thank you. By the by, when you looked in earlier, was it just me in here? No one else was in the bed?”

His valet gave him a puzzled look and shook his head. “No one, Your Grace. It was only you.”

Andrew let out a sigh of relief. He was sure Tabitha would not have appreciated being found in bed with him. The last thing he remembered was them making love again and falling into a deep, exhausted sleep. Last night had been a revelation. Tabitha was a passionate woman who had delighted in their bedroom activities. Her uninhibited cries of ecstasy still rang in his ears, and his skin tingled from where she had raked her nails up his back. Hopefully, there were no marks for his valet to see.