Page 38 of The Duke's Embrace

“Tabitha, please. Is something troubling you? Have I done something to offend you?”

“No, your Grace. All is well.” Her smile wavered. “I think I shall retire for the night.”

She turned to leave, and this time Andrew let her. He stood by the window, puzzled by Tabitha’s sudden departure. He’d thought the conversation was turning flirtatious until he saw her expression when he mentioned lovers. Perhaps the idea did not please her as much as it did him. He would let it go for tonight, but tomorrow he would try to get a private word in with her. If the conversation had embarrassed Tabitha, he would apologize. The last thing he wanted to do was cause her discomfort.

But this was all out of character for Tabitha. Usually, she would have come back at him with a retort, some sharp-tongued rebuke, but tonight there was no sign of the boisterous, independent lady who had captured his attention two years ago. Strange indeed.

The guests left shortly after Tabitha had excused herself. Andrew went to his study to have a drink and be alone. He sat by the fire, a snifter of brandy his only companion. A storm brewed outside. The wind howled, and the trees scratched against the house. The weather mirrored the emotions whirling around in his head.

Something about Tabitha’s presence bothered him. Andrew knew his grandmother had played a part, but Tabitha wouldn’t have come if she hadn’t wanted to. Was there another reason she’d accepted the invitation?

Did it matter? She was here now, temptation so close he could touch it. How could he sleep knowing she was under the same roof? Andrew wanted Tabitha with a hunger he hadn’t thought possible. He wanted her underneath him, his cock inside her pussy, her breasts free, nipples hard as he feasted on her, taking her to the heights of ecstasy.

With that image in his mind, his cock pulsated, growing harder by the second. His chest grew tight with the pressure of holding in the lust boiling inside of him, ready to explode at a moment’s notice.

There was nothing to do now except retire for the night. As Andrew made his way up the stairs, the rain pelted against the windows, punctuated by the cracks of thunder and flashes of lightning. Perhaps taking himself in hand would relieve some of the ache, but he knew it wouldn’t solve the problem.

Andrew dismissed his valet, capable of removing his own clothes and wanting to be left alone with his thoughts. He removed his boots, tossing them on the floor. Next went the dinner jacket and cravat. He was just about to remove his shirt when another crack of thunder sounded—and something else that he couldn’t ascertain.

Andrew rushed into the hall to investigate when the door to Tabitha’s room opened and she came flying out. He ran to her, seeing her visibly shaken.

“What happened? Are you hurt?” Andrew had to hold himself back from checking for himself.

Tabitha shook her head. “No, I’m fine. A tree branch hit the window and broke it. There is glass on the floor, and rain is coming into the room.”

“Come to my chamber and wait. I’ll get the servants.”

He made sure Tabitha was comfortable in a chair by the fire before leaving. Andrew found Walters and told him of the situation, then returned to Tabitha.

“The men will put boards over the window for the night. That’ll keep the rain out. Do you want to go back to your room, or shall I have another prepared for you?”

“I don’t think I could bear it in that room, with the rain beating at the boards all night. Another room would certainly be preferable. Thank you.”

He knew what he was about to suggest was madness, but love, obsession could make a man do crazy things. Andrew led Tabitha to a door on the other side of his chambers and opened it. It was another bedroom, just as large as Andrew’s, but in obvious disuse from the mildly stale odor.

Tabitha gazed around, then focused her stare at Andrew. “Whose room is this?”

“This is the duchess’ room.”

Tabitha’s eyes rounded, her lips slightly parted. “Surely there must be another room available. It would be unseemly for me to sleep where there was only a door between us. It would ruin my reputation.”

Andrew gave her a cocky grin. “I didn’t realize your reputation meant that much to you. Not after you ran away two years ago.”

She didn’t have an answer.

“You asked earlier tonight what would happen if desire fell into the right hands. Let me show you, Tabitha. Words cannot describe the sensual pleasures I can show you.” Andrew didn’t care if he was being too bold. There would never be another perfect moment like now. All of his senses were focused on Tabitha as he waited for her answer. Seeing her in her nightgown, which he was sure she didn’t realize was next to nothing, made him want to rip the flimsy piece of fabric aside and bury himself to the hilt in the heat of her sweet innocence.

* * *

Tabitha couldn’t believeher ears. Was the Duke of Holcombe offering himself to her? It was everything she could imagine, exactly what she had planned, wasn’t it? Her pulse quickened with unbridled longing.

Could she simply be with Andrew and not allow her heart to get involved more than what it already was? She knew the answer was no. Tabitha feared her feelings would get the best of her and she would want more than one night. But she had to be strong and do what was needed to save Phillip. If her heart got broken as a result, then she will live with that.

Tabitha met Andrew’s sultry stare and saw the hunger barely concealed beneath the surface. One word was all it would take to seal their fates.

She answered, barely in a whisper. “Yes.”

It was all Andrew needed. The change in him was instant. He closed the distance between them hastily, drawing her to him to feast on her lips. He gorged on her taste, diving into the depths of her sensual mouth. It was a kiss of total possession.