Page 23 of The Duke's Embrace

Too risky. It might kill him. Lord knows she didn’t want that on her conscience.

Something less extreme, just enough to make him unaware or sleepy?

A sleeping draught.

Lady Bedford used to take a sleeping tonic for her nerves in the evening. If Tabitha could slip something into a drink, it would give her time to search for the evidence on Phillip. It could work. It had to, because the alternative was too horrid to consider.

* * *

Over the nextfew days Tabitha worked out the details of her plan. She would purchase a powder from the apothecary, something strong to make Lord Vance fall asleep long enough for her to do what she had to.

Thankfully, Vance had not contacted her yet. But the longer she waited, the more Tabitha’s anxiety increased. What if he showed those supposed papers to the authorities?

She’d written a letter to Phillip, which she’d given to her father to keep until her brother’s return home. If nothing else, she wanted to warn him that he was in danger.

During that time, Tabitha had continued with her normal routine, which included looking for Holcombe. Each time she was out, she would search for him in the crowd, but she never saw him. Had he left London? Would she ever be able to apologize?

Mayhap tonight she would have success. Tabitha and her aunt, along with her cousin who had returned to London, were attending a ball at the Earl of Malcolm’s home. He was a friend of Tabitha’s father, so her parents would also be in attendance. Not that her mother would acknowledge her presence.

With everything going on, Tabitha had put her problems with Lady Bedford to the back of her mind. She had more important things to worry about.

That evening, Tabitha sat in the carriage fiddling with her silk gloves. She wore a low-cut gown of deep lavender, a becoming off-the-shoulders design that complimented her figure. Tonight, the layers of skirts underneath made her unusually warm in the tight confines of the carriage.

“I hear the Prince of Wales might even be in attendance tonight,” her cousin Lord Hinley said.

“I wouldn’t be surprised, not with all the young debutantes in town,” Tabitha replied.

“Tabitha, dear, you shouldn’t say such things,” Aunt Caroline said. “Even if it is true.”

Her cousin chuckled. “I’m sure all the young ladies have been properly warned. You’d best be careful as well, cousin.”

“Me?” Tabitha said with a raised brow.

“I heard the prince likes his ladies with some spirit.”

Aunt Caroline reached across the carriage, smacking her son with her fan. “Now that’s enough of that.”

“I was only teasing. Tabby knows it.”

It was a nickname only a few people had called her over the years.

“It’s fine, Aunt Caroline. Besides, I’m probably too educated for the prince’s liking. I would talk too much.”

The trio burst into giggles at the remark. It lightened the weight which had been on Tabitha all day. She would try to enjoy herself tonight. Fiona said she and Henry would also be at the ball.

The guests poured into Lord Malcolm’s home. Every room on the main floor was lit with candles, wall sconces, and chandeliers. The wood floor in the ballroom shined brightly from the fresh polish, and sweet-smelling flowers adorned the corners of the rooms, giving off their exotic aromas.

Tabitha entered with her aunt and cousin. They did the customary greeting with their host, then went about the room to socialize. There would be dancing later, but for now, the guests were content to mingle.

Fiona and Henry came over to Tabitha. They talked about the wedding and other mundane things. Some of Tabitha’s other friends also came over. It was nice to see everyone, to feel as if it was just another normal evening. But in the back of Tabitha’s mind she knew things could change at a moment’s notice.

The dancing commenced, and guests not taking part spread along the periphery of the room or overflowed into the adjoining rooms. Tabitha was speaking with her father when the Earl of Malcolm approached. Instead of listening to the two men discuss business, Tabitha excused herself.

She walked along the outskirts of the room when she passed behind a pillar.

“Hello, Miss Crestwood.”

The hairs on the back of Tabitha’s neck stood on end.