Page 22 of The Duke's Embrace

“Yes of course, but what if I told you there was another reason for your brother’s frequent travels, something more sinister, more corrupt?”

“I wouldn’t believe a word you say about my brother. Now, if you would, please unhand me and allow me to be on my way.” Her pulse quickened with every moment she lingered. No good would come out of this conversation. The man was a menace.

“Miss Crestwood, I don’t believe you know that I am on Her Majesty’s security council, and, as such, I am privy to communications and activities both here and overseas.”

“What are you saying? Phillip works for the government?”

Lord Vance chuckled. “No, you naïve twit, he worksagainstour government.” Tabitha shook her head in disbelief. “I have letters from his accomplices showing how they are plotting to sell secrets to France.”

It was unbelievable. Phillip wasn’t a spy. He was a rowdy gentleman who enjoyed racing, gambling, and causing mischief with his friends. Lord Vance was wrong.

“What would one be willing to pay so their dear brother would not be arrested for treason?”

Tabitha paled. This was a nightmare, brought on by the recent stress since returning to home. But then she saw the triumphant grin on Lord Vance’s face.

“What to do, what to do.” He tapped a finger on his chin. “How much is a man’s life worth? Do you love your brother enough to do whatever it takes to keep him safe?”

“You don’t have any proof.” She would call Vance’s bluff. “Phillip isn't conspiring against England. You’re lying, to get revenge on me.”

“I have the proof. It’s in the hands of a trusted friend, but I will give it to you...for a price.” He drew out the last three words slowly to allow them to sink in.

Her stomach dropped. “What do you want? Money? I can get it from my father.”

“I want you, my dear.” He inched closer to Tabitha. “If you want to save your brother’s hide, you will come to me willing and do as I command, for one night.”

Bile rose into the back of her throat. He wanted her body, to do with as he pleased. Tabitha had to swallow hard before responding.

“You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, but I am. You escaped me once. Not again. You will stay with me for a night, and I shall enjoy bending you to my will. For that is the price you must pay for your brother’s life. Give your body to me. If I find you satisfactory, then I will hand over the papers.”

“And if I’m not?” she asked in a whisper.

“Then we shall continue meeting until I find you worthy of the documents.” He released her arm.

“I will give you time to consider my offer. I’ll be in contact with you in a few days. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Miss Crestwood.”

Lord Vance went in the direction of the card room, but Tabitha didn’t move. She was being blackmailed by the vilest man in England. What was she going to do? Phillip was lord knows where on the continent. It would be impossible to contact him.

It was absurd to believe Phillip could be a spy against his own country. He had little interest in politics, let alone espionage and intrigue. It had to be a mistake. Lord Vance was manipulating her to get revenge on her for refusing his proposal. There was no other explanation. But a small voice in her head chimed in. What if it was true? What if there was even one shred of truth to what Vance said? Phillip would be arrested and tried for treason.

She had to get her hands on those papers, no matter what. The only way was to accept Lord Vance’s offer. The idea made her skin crawl, but there was no other way. If she went to her father, he would want to confront Lord Vance outright, then everything would come out in public. No, she would have to take care of this herself.

The Duke of Holcombe’s face flashed in her mind. He’d helped before with Vance. Perhaps she could ask for his assistance again. No. Why should he care what happens to her? Tabitha wouldn’t drag him into her problems. She would figure this out on her own.

With her mind made up, Tabitha returned to her aunt.

“Is everything all right, dear? You were gone quite a long time.”

Tabitha smiled. “I’m fine. I met an old acquaintance, and we chatted.”

The excuse appeased her aunt. They didn’t go back to the table with the widowed sisters but instead joined an older married couple whom Aunt Caroline knew. The three friends talked, giving Tabitha time to devise a plan.

She had to get her hands on those documents. Did Vance really have a friend hiding them, or were they at his home? Somehow, Tabitha needed to search Vance’s home. Unfortunately, the only way to do that would be to accept his offer.

There had to be a way to incapacitate Lord Vance once she entered his home. She was no match for him physically. It would have to be something subtle that he wouldn’t suspect.
